
Rhodes>Lilian Ngoyi>Centenary>House Committee

House Committee

In addition to the Warden (ex officio), Senior Student (Chairperson) and Sub- Wardens, the following office bearers are elected to stand, in accordance with the Hall Constitution, by the students of the House at the end of each year:

Secretary, Treasurer, Entertainment, Community/Charity and Sports representatives. The composition of House committees may vary from residence to residence and year to year.

These committees have a number of specific duties to perform as well as acting as intermediaries between students and Warden.


Mr Mathias Chirombo (House Warden), Mr Ian Matthews (Sub-Warden), Mr Steven Nunes (Sub-Warden), Mr Langa Plaatjie (Sub-Warden), Mr Tinashe Chizema (Head of House), Nkonzenhle Makhanya  (Secretary), Mr Minenhle Maluleke (ResNet Rep), Mr Ashay Ramrathy (Academic Rep), Mr Takudzwa Ndabvonga (Food & Entertainment Rep), Mr Kwanele Ngubane (Community Engagement Rep), Mr Reval Reddy (Environmental Rep), Mr Uzile Ngumbela (Sports Rep).


Mr Mathias Chirombo (House Warden), Mr Ian Matthews (Sub-Warden), Mr Stephen Pettitt (Sub-Warden), Mr George Metlae (Head of House), Mr Naseem Khan (Secretary), Mr Rethabile Pule (ResNet Rep), Mr Mondli Ngidi (Treasurer), Mr Brian Welman (Academic Rep), Mr Tinashe Chizema (Food & Entertainment Rep), Mr Siphesihle Xulu (Community Engagement Rep), Mr Steven Nunes (Environmental Rep), Mr Nigel Chawira (Sports Rep).

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Matthias Chirombo(Centenary House Warden), Dale Blair, Mark Nancarrow, Themba Kumalo(Sub-Wardens), Teboho Mahapi (Head of House), Dylan Blair (Secretary and ResNet Rep), Gcobani Mkaba(Treasurer), Okuhle Fumba (Academic Rep), Ian Matthews (Food and Entertainment Rep), Ofentse Ramagogodi (Community Engagement and Environmental Rep), Stephen Pettitt (Sports Rep).

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Jeremy Baxter (Centenary House Warden), Milton Sosola, Byron Chadwick, Phinda Ndlodaka (Sub-Wardens), Tefo Matsheka (Head of House), Kyle Goldschmidt (Secretary and ResNet Rep), Teboho Mahapi (Treasurer), Mark Nancarrow (Academic Rep), Refiloe Matsoso (Food and Entertainment Rep), Dale Blair (Community Engagement and Environmental Rep), Jack Tilbury (Sports Rep).

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Jeremy Baxter (Hall Warden and Centenary House Warden), David Sole, Sandile Khumalo, Davis Midzi, (Sub-Wardens) Milton Sosola, (Head of House) Rolihlahla Mabaso, (Hall SRC Rep), Songezo Mtshatsha, (Secretary and ResNet Rep), Sihle Hadebe (Treasurer), Gift Sandi (Academic Rep), Sebastian Burger (Entertainment and Food Rep), Scott Herbst (Community Engagement and Environmental Rep, Byron Chadwick (Sports Rep).

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Jeremy  Baxter (Hall Warden and Centenary House Warden), Ryan Howden, Tuto Kalitera and Simphiwe Majola (Sub-Wardens), Sandile Khumalo (Head of House), Thomas Voogt (Secretary), Jeff Dlali (Treasurer), Michael Crook (ResNet Rep), Nick Bloom (Entertainment and Food Rep), Matthew Foot (Community Engagement and Environmental Rep), Matthew Roper (Mentoring Rep), Davis Midzi (Sports Rep).

Centenary House Committee for 2013

 Centenary House Committee 2013


Dean Ferreira, Simphiwe Majola and Fundile Sangoni (Sub-Wardens), Ryan Howden (Head of House), Winston Militala (Secretary), Mthabisi Khumalo (Treasurer), Reed Kalitera (ResNet Rep), Aza Nodada (Food and Entertainment Rep), Daniel Anthony (Community Engagement/Environmental Rep), Matthew Roper (Mentoring Rep).  Not Present:  Stuart Wooler (Sport Re), Aza Nodada (Food and Entertainment Rep).

Centenary House Committee for 2012

Centenary House Committee 2012


Sandile Sikhosana, Dave Shields and Richard Rogers (Sub-Wardens), Tholo Lerotholi (Head of House), Sief Said (Secretary), Brett Scott (Treasurer), Gareth Jordaan (ResNet Representative), Simon Jenkins (Entertainment Representative), Fundile Sangoni (Community Engagement Representative), Brendan Ward (Academic Representative), Greg Hartman (Sport).

Centenary House Committee for 2011



Robert Jardine, Matthew Mpahlwa and Richard Rogers (Sub-Wardens), Aphiwe Nkosimbini (Head of House), Ntando Sithole (Secretary), Terence Gunundu (Treasurer), Daniel Eslick (ResNet Rep), Mark Lailvaux (Food and Entertainment Representative), Eneto Malungane (Community Engagement Representative), Sixolile Tida (Academic Rep), David Shields (Sport).

Centenary House Committee for 2010


Ashton Barske, Ross Helliwell and Matthew Mpahlwa (Sub-Wardens), Simthembile Xeketwana (Head of House), Richard Rogers (Treasurer), Thomas Sizeland (Academic Mentoring Representative), Sandile Sikhosana (Community Engagement Representative), Sebastien Tuinder (Food and Entertainment Representatives), Adriaan Venter  (ResNet Representative), Robert Jardine (Sport).


Ashton Barske, Ross Helliwell and Malusi Mbulwana (Sub-Wardens), Aubrey Mbatha (Head of House), Mike Toman (Treasurer), Gary Hill (Secretary), Simthembile Xeketwana (Community Engagement Representative), Russell Bruns and Rogan Kerr (Food and Entertainment Representatives), Stuart Hill (Sport).


Jonathan Bellingan, Yamurai Munzara and Andrew Buckle (Sub-Wardens), Tapfuma Makina (Senior Student), Matthew Slatter (RESNET Representative), Ross Helliwell (Treasurer), Siya Msimango (Secretary), Justin Rodrigues (Entertainment), Aubrey Mbatha (Community Engagement Representative), Jason Strerrenberg(Food Representative), Jonathan Bucke (Sport).


Chris Baird, Jonathan Bellingan and Yamurai Munzara (Sub-Wardens), Godfrey Moto (Senior Student), Shane Flanagan (RESNET Representative), Andrew Buckle (Treasurer), Kudakwashe Kambasha (Secretary), Stuart Randall (Entertainment), Aaron Benza (Community Engagement Representative), Graeme Comrie (Food Representative), Simon Allison (Sport).


Chris Baird and Vergelheo Das Neves (Sub-Wardens), Tokoloho Moeketsi (Senior Student), Alex Koller (RESNET Representative), Andrew Buckle (Treasurer), Ross van der Linde (Secretary), Gary MacLachlan (Entertainment), Yamurai Munzara (Community Engagement Representative), Richard Barnett (Food Representative), Jon Bellingan (Sport).


Bryan Marx and Roald Wallis (Sub-Wardens), Vergelheo Das Neves (Senior Student), Darren Bilse (ResNet Rep),  Brendan Marlborough (Treasurer), Richard Davis (Secretary), Tokoloho Moeketsi (Entertainment), Itai Dzumbunu (Community Engagement Representative), Richard Barnett (Food Representative), Christopher Baird (Co-opted member).

Last Modified: Mon, 11 Dec 2017 15:02:32 SAST