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Engaging our Community

The academic project at Rhodes University has three key pillars: knowledge creation, knowledge dissemination and community engagement (CE). Through its CE focus and the supporting activities, Rhodes University endeavours to promote a reciprocal process of knowledge construction and dissemination, aiming to develop and channel the civic and social responsibility of all students, student organisations and staff of Rhodes University. The purpose of all of this is to contribute to individual transformation and sustainable human and community development in Grahamstown and the Eastern Cape as a whole.

Community engagement is distinctly different to community development or social welfare or handouts. It is based on key principles including:

• Learning is a mutually beneficial and reciprocal process – we all have something to offer each other in partnering
• Critical awareness of power dynamics in relationship between Rhodes University and Community Partners: no exploitation or exclusion
• Participation of Community Partners from initial stages of activity
• Community ownership of the development process
• Sustainability of engagement/development outcome and not dependency

For more information, please refer to:

An institutional CE project is the Nelson Mandela Trading Live Initiative. More information can be found at:


Last Modified: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 16:14:42 SAST