The magnitude and rapidity with which life is changing are unprecedented and overwhelm - ing. New technologies and the COVID-19 pandemic, are at the heart of this change.
The world economy is undergoing unpredictable transformations. Projections, sometimes foreboding, about a “lasting impact ” of the ongoing changes continue to be sounded from many quarters. Community relations will not be left unscathed.
It is, however, our reaction to adversity and inevitable challenges that matter more. It is in our response that we could influence what is to come.
The Centre's goal is to produce a new generation of public intellectuals and researchers.
The Institute for Nanotechnology (INI) at Rhodes University is at the forefront of international research and is considered as an international leader in the field.
Research into the ways natural water systems function, linked to responsible and fair human use of water.
The 中国足彩网 Fund is an integrated approach to building and maintaining life-long relationships with stakeholders based on the development of a unique and special partnership between Rhodes University, its students, alumni, and donors
The underlying problem is dysfunctional schooling in Makhanda. This has a range of consequences that condemn the learners to lives with few opportunities and prospects.
The aim is to try and create an alternative, active lifestyle on the campus. In this regard, there is a clear synergy between high levels of achievement and greater participation in team sports as a whole.
The plan seeks to establish the University as an educational haven for all students, including those from disadvantaged backgrounds who, given the country's apartheid history, are, in the main, black.
Rhodes University provides a conducive space for intellectual activity and serves as a basis for thinking about how young people may best be educated and equipped with powerful knowledge for lifelong service to the country, the African continent and beyond.