

In line with its Environmental Sustainability Policy, Rhodes University strives to promote opportunities, initiatives and measures that enable the university to minimise its waste generation wherever possible, promote re-use, recycling and composting.

Kitchen waste and garden waste are biodegradable. Why throw it away when it can be recycled into valuable compost and other useful by-products that improve the soil ... a big plus for gardening and food security.

Organic waste management at Rhodes University

  • Outdoors: Grounds and Gardens manages collection and disposal of domestic and organic waste & facilitates the outsourced function of recycling

  • Kitchens: Food Services manages collection and disposal of food waste.

Individual Initiatives

  • Worm Farming: you are encouraged to have a Worm Farm - indoors or outdoors. It's easy and highly rewarding! More info: Worm Farming

  • Indoor Bokashi Bin: Start your own easy indoor Bokashi bin. More info

  • Garden compost heap: Use a small area in your garden for green waste, and keep it damp - this readily attracts indigenous earthworms (which burrow in the soil). More info Garden compost heap

  • Support local composters: take GARDEN WASTE ONLY to Complete Compost in the Industrial Area.


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Last Modified: Wed, 22 Feb 2017 08:17:39 SAST