
Rhodes>Environmental Sustainability>Resources>Books, Articles & References

Books, Articles & References

  • World Inequality Database  World Inequality Report is a report by the World Inequality Lab at the Paris School of Economics that provides estimates of global income and wealth inequality based on the most recent findings compiled by the World Wealth and Income Database (WID).

  • WWF Living Planet Report 2018: The world's leading, science-based analysis of the health of our planet and the impact of human activity.

  • Biodiversity Explorer: the web of life in southern Africa.

  • Biodiversity Subject Guide: a Rhodes University Library guide to help you find and use Biodiversity resources available in or via the Rhodes Library.

  • All the plastics ever made: Humans have made 8.3bn tons of plastic since 1950. This is the illustrated story of where it's gone ‘There was this moment I realized … I can account for all humanity’s plastic.’

  • Encyclopaedia of Earth: a free electronic reference about the earth, natural environments and their interaction with society. Articles are user-friendly and written in non-technical language by scholars, professionals, educators and experts who collaborate and review each other's work. The aim is to provide a comprehensive and reliable information resource. It will be useful to students, educators, scholars, professionals and the general public.

  • Environmental Science: a Rhodes University Library guide to help you find and use Environmental Science resources available in or via the Rhodes Library [see also info on Global Warming & Climate Change].

  • Enviropaedia: The Environmental Encyclopaedia is an A to Z of green topics.

  • New Scientist environmental pages: Read about the Earth's life support systems and other articles.

  • Principles of Ecology: a series of easy to follow lesson plans.

  • Science in Africa: Africa’s first online science magazine communicating with the general public in an understandable and informative way.

  • State of the World publications - published by Worldwatch Institute.

  • Breathing Earth: A beautifully designed site which provides a simulation of carbon emissions, birth rate and death rate in different countries around the planet.


Climate Change information resources

  • Follow the Cornell University example: establish a baseline carbon inventory then develop and implement a climate action plan to create a climate neutral campus.
  • Take up the Project 90 by 2030 Climate Challenge. Follow the Project 90 by 2030 ACTION link to 'Climate Champions' to see innovative examples of individual, organisational, municipal and provincial action.

Last Modified: Thu, 13 Feb 2020 21:16:53 SAST