


It was an ordinary Saturday morning, just another day for res sport. Allan Gray's sports team headed for Alec Mullins in the rain to compete in what was about to be the greatest fight of our sport team's life. Our first game managed to challenge our abilities but as the sporty ladies we are, we triumphed. As we cruised through to the semi finals we realised what a powerful team we were. We were ecstatic and as we reached the final and were ready to face our fierce opponents; the Oppidans. They are famous for doing extremely well in sports. As the finals begun we knew it was not going to be easy to beat them. However, as the game took a dramatic turn, Allan Gray took the last serve and we emerged victorious. If I do say so myself, never underestimate the fantastic ladies of Allan Gray House.

By: Nadene Kupemba


Earlier this year we had archery as one of the weekend sports activities. I really enjoyed this sport even though I have absolutely terrible aim and constantly missed the board we were aiming for. I also found it fun because I was able to interact with some of the girls in the house and I got to know them better. We came third over all in the girls side of the game because we had some girls that were pretty good at this sport. I would really recommend that more girls try it in the future and maybe even take up the sport here at Rhodes as it really is enjoyable and it makes you feel really awesome and I guess it's a bonus that you get to channel your inner Game of Throne character.

I hope that next year more girls will join as it was a great experience for me and it was all mainly about the fun but obviously girls are competitive being so everything has to be a competition. :)

By : Sinegugu Hlengane

Dance Sport

Allan Gray house partnered with Graham house and participated in inter-res dance sport. We had four couples doing the chacha, jive, quick step and waltz. The event was a lot fun.

By: Amohelang Loliwe

AG 2015 - sports 4 AG 2015 - dance sport

Allan Gray wins inter-res Pool

AG 2015 - sports Ag 2015 - sports 2 AG 2015 - wins inter-res pool

Allan Gray did incredibly well in inter-residence sport this year.  We came second in the female residences competition and also won the Spirit Award.

Achievements 2015 - Sporting - 2

Last Modified: Thu, 28 Jan 2016 15:10:36 SAST