

Dr Tracy Morison

Tracy Morison graduated from Rhodes University in 2011 with a PhD in Psychology and, since 2012, has been an honorary research associate of the Critical Studies in Sexualities and Reproduction programme. She currently works in the School of Psychology at Massey University in New Zealand, where she teaches in the critical health psychology Masters programme and lectures social psychology at undergraduate level. She is also an associate editor for Feminism & Psychology. Tracy’s research aligns broadly with feminist health psychology and focuses on the ways that the social context and power relations shape people's sexual and reproductive decision-making and practices. She uses predominantly critical, qualitative methods and feminist theory in her work and has also published on these topics. She co-wrote a book with Catriona Macleod based on her doctoral research, entitled Men’s pathways to parenthood, which was published in 2015 by HSRC Press. Her recent co-edited book, Queer Kinship, was published in 2019 by Routledge/Unisa Press. 


Wootton, S., & Morison, T. (2020). Menstrual management and the negotiation of failed femininities: A discursive study. Women’s Reproductive Health, 7(2), 87 – 106.

Morison, T., & Herbert, S. (2020). Muted resistance: The deployment of youth voice in news coverage in Aotearoa New Zealand. Feminism & Psychology, 30(1), 80 – 99.

Macleod, C.I., & Morison, T. (2020). Fertility, childbirth and parenting: defining sexual and gender relations. In F.M. Cheung & D.F. Halpern (Eds.), The Cambridge international handbook on psychology of women. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Morison, T. & Herbert, S. (2019). Rethinking ‘risk’ in sexual and reproductive health policy: The value of the reproductive justice framework. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 16(4), 434-445.

Macleod, C. I., Feltham-King, T., Mavuso, J. M. J. J., & Morison, T. (2019). ‘Failed’mothers,‘failed’ womxn: Demarcating normative mothering. In C. Zuffrey & F. Buchanan (Eds.). Intersections of Mothering (pp. 30-43). Routledge.

Morison, T., & Lynch, I. (2019) ‘Living two lives’ and ‘blending in’: Reproductive citizenship and belonging in the parenthood narratives of gay men. In T. Morison, I Lynch, & V Reddy (eds.) Queer kinship: South African perspectives on the sexual politics of family-making and belonging. Pretoria: Unisa Press & Routledge.

Macleod, C., Morison, T., & Lynch, I. (2019). Focus on ‘the `Family’? How South African Family Policy Fails Queer Families. In T. Morison, I Lynch, & V Reddy (eds.) Queer kinship: South African perspectives on the sexual politics of family-making and belonging. Pretoria: Unisa Press & Routledge.

Morison, T., Lynch, I., & Reddy (2019). Queer kinship in South Africa: An introduction. In T. Morison, I Lynch, & V Reddy (eds.) Queer kinship: South African perspectives on the sexual politics of family-making and belonging. Pretoria: Unisa Press & Routledge.

Reddy, V., Morison, T., & Lynch, I. (2019). Queer kinship: where to next? In T. Morison, I Lynch, & V Reddy (eds.) Queer kinship: South African perspectives on the sexual politics of family-making and belonging. Pretoria: Unisa Press & Routledge.

Morison, T., Lyons, A., Chamberlain, K. (2019). Critical health psychology: Applications for social action. In K O’Doherty & D Hodgetts (eds.). SAGE Handbook of Applied Social Psychology. London: SAGE.

Morison, T., Roberts, B., Gordon, S., Struwig, J., & Reddy, V. (2019). South African public opinion on family rights for lesbians and gay men: Entry points for activism and interventions. In Z. Mokomane, B. Roberts, B., J. Struwig, & S. Gordon, (Eds.), Family matters: Family cohesion, values, & wellbeing. Cape Town: HSRC Press.

Timol, F., Lynch, I., & Morison, T. (2019). Is a woman’s place still in the home? Gender role attitudes and women’s position in the South African labour market In Z. Mokomane, B. Roberts, B., J. Struwig, & S. Gordon, (Eds.), Family matters: Family cohesion, values, & wellbeing. Cape Town: HSRC Press.

Khuzwayo, Z., & Morison, T. (2018). Resisting Erasure: Bisexual Female Identity in South Africa. South African Review of Sociology, 48(4), 19-37.

Lynch, I., Morison, T., Macleod, C.I. Mijas, M., du Toit, R., & Seemanthini, S. (2018). From deviant choice to feminist issue: An historical analysis of scholarship on voluntary childlessness (1920 to 2013). In N. Sappleton (Ed.) Voluntary and involuntary childlessness: The joys of Otherhood? Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing Ltd.

Nentwich, J.C., & Morison, T., (2017). Performing the Self: Performativity and Discursive Psychology. In C.B. Travis & J.W. White (Eds.). APA Handbook of the Psychology of Women. Washington: American Psychological Association.

Morison, T., Mtshengu, A., Sandfort, T., & Reddy, V. (2016). ‘As long as they behave themselves’: Heterosexual recuperation in South Africans' talk about homosexuality. Psychology in Society, (51), 28-54.

Morison, T., & Lynch, I. (2016). 'We can't help you here': The discursive erasure of sexual minorities in South African public sexual and reproductive health services. Psychology of Sexualities Review. 7(2), 7-25

Lynch, I., & Morison, T. (2016). Gay men as parents: Analysing resistant talk in South African mainstream media accounts of queer families. Feminism & Psychology, 26(2), 188-206.

Morison, T. Lynch, I. and Macleod, C. (2016). Focus on ‘The Family’? How South African family policy could fail us. Policy Brief. Cape Town: HSRC Press.  Available online at:

Morison, T., Macleod, C., Lynch, I., Mijas, M., & Shivakumar, S. (2015). Stigma resistance in online childfree communities:  The limitations of choice rhetoric. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 40(2), 184 - 198.

Morison, T. Gibson, A., Wigginton, B., Crabb, S. (2015). Online research methods: Methodological opportunities for critical qualitative research in psychology. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 12(3), 223 - 232. 

Morison, T., & Reddy, V. (2013). Familiar claims: Representations of same-gendered families in South African mainstream news media. In C. Lubbe & J. Marnell (Eds.). (pp. 21 – 49). Home affairs: Rethinking lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender families in contemporary South Africa. Johannesburg: Fanele Press.

Morison T., & Macleod, C. (2013). A performative-performance approach to analysis: Infusing Butlerian theory into a narrative-discursive approach. Qualitative Inquiry, 19(8) 566 –577.

Morison, T. (2013). Heterosexual men and parenthood decision-making in South Africa: Attending to the invisible norm. International Journal of Family Matters, 34(8), 1125 - 1144. 

Morison, T. & Macleod, C. (2013). When veiled silences speak: Reflexivity, trouble and repair as methodological tools for interpreting the unspoken in discourse-based data. Qualitative Research, 14(6), 694 - 711. DOI: 10.1177/1468794113488129

Morison, T. (2008). “Our place in the family of things”: A story of animals, (re)connection and belonging in the world. In D. Wylie (ed.) Toxic Belonging? Identity and Ecology in Southern Africa. Newcastle (UK): Cambridge Scholars Press.

Last Modified: Mon, 13 Jul 2020 08:44:09 SAST