
Rhodes>Botany>Staff>Roy Lubke

Roy Lubke

M.Sc. (Science Education, Keele), Ph.D., (Western Ontario)

Associate Professor Emeritus. Roy is an Ecologist, with specialist interests in the coastal ecology and coastal management. He has over 30 years of experience at Rhodes and has supervised students in a wide range of ecological research projects ranging from agriculture in the Karroo to dune stabilization and mining rehabilitation. He is also a director of Coastal & Environmental Services, a Grahamstown-based Environmental Consulting Company.

Some recent publications include:

van Eeden JD, Lubke RA and Haarhoff P (2007). Return of natural, social and financial capital to the hole left by mining. In: Aronson J, Milton SJ and Blignaut JN (eds.) Restoring natural capital: science, business and practice. Island Press, Washington. pp. 198 – 207.

Lubke RA (2004). Vegetation dynamics and succession on sand dunes of the eastern coasts of Africa In: Martinez ML and Psuty NP (Eds.) Coastal dunes: Ecology and conservation. Ecological Studies: vol. 171. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.

Knevel IC and Lubke RA (2004). Reproductive phenology of Scaevola plumieri; a key coloniser of the coastal foredunes of South Africa. Plant Ecology 175: 137-145.

Last Modified: Tue, 27 Jun 2017 12:02:21 SAST