


There are two independent second-year courses in Entomology, ENT 201 and ENT 202. Credit for each course may be obtained separately and, in addition, an aggregate mark of at least 50% will be deemed to be equivalent to the year-long course ENT 2, provided that a candidate obtains the required subminimum in each component. No supplementary examinations will be offered for either course.

Practical reports, essays, seminars and class tests collectively comprise the class mark, which forms part of the final mark.
When the intention is to major in Entomology, Zoology 1 (CEL 101, ZOO 102), Botany 102 (BOT 102), and in Chemistry 1 (CHE 1) is normally required before a student may register for ENT 201 or ENT 202. Permission may be granted to repeat CHE 1 or BOT 102 concurrently with ENT 201 and ENT 202. Adequate performance (at least 45%) in the first semester is required before a student may register for the second semester.

ENT 201: General Insect Biology

Second-year, first-semester course (NQF level 6, 20-credits)
Entrance requirements: ZOO 102 Co-requisites: CHE 1, BOT 102
Course description: This course provides an introduction to the anatomy, physiology, genetics, population biology, diversity, phylogeny, and conservation of insects. Practicals will be both field- and laboratory-based and students normally submit an insect collection and attend short weekend field trips.

DP requirements: Attend at least 90% of practicals, hand in 90% of assignments, and attend compulsory field trips.
Assessment: Class record 40%, Summative assessments 60%

Supplementary exam: Yes, if exam results are between 40 - 49%
Subminimum for June: 45% to aggregate with ENT 202

ENT 202: Professional Entomology: Insects and Man

Second-year, second-semester course (NQF level 6, 20-credits)

Entrance requirements: ENT 201
Course description: This course provides an overview of the biology of the major insect orders and their impact on humans, particularly in the context of major entomology career pathways such as agricultural entomology, medical and veterinary entomology, pesticides and biological control, aquatic entomology and biomonitoring. Practicals will be both field- and laboratory-based, and students normally submit an insect collection.

DP requirements: Attend at least 90% of practicals, hand in 90% of assignments, and attend compulsory field trips.
Assessment: Class record 40%, Summative assessments 60%

Supplementary exam: Yes, if exam results are between 40 - 49%
Subminimum for June: 45% to aggregate with ENT 201



There are two independent third year courses in Entomology. A student wishing to major in Entomology must obtain ENT 301 and ENT 302. Credit for each of these courses may be obtained separately. Aggregation will be deemed equivalent to the year-long course ENT 3 provided the candidate obtains the required subminimum in each semester. No supplementary examinations are offered in third year courses. Practical reports, essays, seminars and class tests collectively comprise the class mark, which forms part of the final course mark. A research project, which is carried out during the year, forms a component of each semester in Entomology. The project mark for the first semester will be based on a mid-year report. Students who register for one semester only either undertake a shorter project or write an extended essay. The examination may include an oral examination at the discretion of the examiners.

When the intention is to major in Entomology, ENT 201 and ENT 202, or the equivalent ENT 2, is required before a student may register for a third- year semester. Adequate performance (at least 45%) in the first semester is required before a student may register for the second semester.


ENT 301: Applied Insect Ecology

Third-year, first-semester course (NQF level 7, 30-credits)
Entrance requirements: ENT 2
Course description: This course illustrates the application of ecological theory to applied problems in entomology. Modules include the exploration of the physiology of insects, integrated pest management, and conservation entomology.

DP requirements: Hand in all assignments and successfully complete a mini-research project. Assessment: Class record 20%, Project 20%, Summative assessments 60%

Supplementary exam: Yes, if exam results are between 40 - 49%
Subminimum for June: 45% to aggregate with ENT 302


ENT 302: Applied Entomology

Third-year, second-semester course (NQF level 7, 30- credits)
Entrance requirements: ENT 2
Course description: This course develops critical life skills for an entomologist. The Molecular Entomology module explores the phylogenetic investigation of insect populations. The module "Ento-preneurship" provides real-world development of business management skills.

DP requirements: Hand in all assignments and successfully complete a mini-research project. Assessment: Class record 20%, Project 20%, Summative assessments 60%

Supplementary exam: Yes, if exam results are between 40 - 49%
Subminimum for June: 45% to aggregate with ENT 301


Last Modified: Tue, 03 Dec 2024 11:59:10 SAST