Phone: +27 46 603 7702
Office: S08, Second Floor, Life Sciences Building
BSc (Hons), Entomology, Stellenbosch University (2009)
MEd, Rhodes University (2015)
Kim completed her Master’s in Environmental Education at Rhodes in 2015. With her background in Entomology from Stellenbosch (BScHons), she is eager to facilitate the process of demystifying the field of Entomology among our local communities by introducing them to the various uses of insects such as biological control. This is done through various awareness and educative programmes around Makhanda and the Eastern Cape. Another aim is to try and foster a culture of community engagement within science disciplines. Additionally, Kim assists with the operational management of the Centre for Biological Control. This involves coordinating communication within and from the Centre and assisting the Director with funding proposals and report writing. She assists in organising and facilitating various workshops, symposia and meetings hosted by the Centre. Updating and managing the Staff Team Drive is also part of her portfolio, along with updating and managing the website with Jaqui van Dyk.
Research interests
Recent publications
Ivey, PJ., Hill, M.P., Kenfack Voukeng, S.N. and Weaver, K.N. 2023. Nagoya Protocol and Africa’s willingness to share biological control agents, are we deterred by barriers instead of using opportunities to work together? BioControl 68:253–259
Weaver, K.N., Hill, M.P., Byrne, M.J. and Ivey, P. 2021. Efforts towards engaging communities to promote the benefits of biological control research and implementation in South Africa. African Entomology 29(3): 1045-1059.
Byrne, M.J., du Plessis, D., Ivey, P.J., Measey, J. Robertson, M.P., Robinson, T.B. and Weaver, K.N. 2020. Education, Training and Capacity-Building in the Field of Biological Invasions in South Africa. In van Wilgen B.W. et al. (eds.), Biological Invasions in South Africa, Invading Nature - Springer Series in Invasion Ecology’ vol 14. Springer, Cham
Martin GD, Hill M.P, Coetzee JA, Weaver KN and Hill JM (2018) Synergies between research organisations and the wider community in enhancing weed biological control in South Africa. BioControl, 63: 437 - 447.
Weaver KN, Hill MP, Hill JM, Coetzee JA, Martin GD, Paterson ID (2017) Community entomology: insects, science and society. Journal for New Generation Sciences. 15(1): 176-186.
Last Modified: Wed, 04 Dec 2024 12:30:32 SAST