

Reyard receives RES Journal Award!

Rhodes>Zoology and Entomology>中国足彩网

Dr Reyard Mutamiswa
Dr Reyard Mutamiswa

The Royal Entomological Society is a scientific society that publishes seven journals that showcase many aspects of entomological research being done around the world. The society has recently announced the winners of their RES Journals Early Career Entomologist Awards (2021-2023). Dr Reyard Mutamiswa was one of sixteen recipients of this award for his paper titled: "Thermal stress exposure of pupal oriental fruit fly has strong and trait-specific consequences in adult flies".

Judges said;

    “the authors nicely demonstrate that mild heat stress during the pupal stage compromises longevity and thermal tolerance in the adult stage.

    We selected this paper because of its unique approach to studying the consequences of thermal stress across developmental transitions, as well as its relevance to timely topics such as climate-induced range shifts and invasion biology.”

Read this article here.

Congratulations Reyard!