
Rhodes>Teaching and Learning>Academic Staff Development>New Generation of Academics Programme (nGAP)

New Generation of Academics Programme (nGAP)


The New Generation of Academics Programme (nGAP) continues to grow at Rhodes University. The University was allocated five posts by DHET in Phase 5 of this national initiative bringing the total number of lecturers on the nGAP at Rhodes University to twenty. Dr Amanda Hlengwa continues to co-ordinate nGAP. Her focus is on providing developmental opportunities that meet the needs of the group, as well as development opportunities for individual lecturers on the Programme. Writing retreats away from campus continue to provide 10 the lecturers with dedicated and structured opportunities to work on their PhD proposals and chapters. The writing retreats were adapted to comply with the COVID-19 context.


In the first semester, the writing retreat was conducted virtually which was a great success. As the COVID-19 restrictions, relaxed colleagues had a choice to participate in the off-campus or the virtual writing retreat. The three lecturers who are part of the very first cohort have successfully completed their PhDs. Dr Samuel Motitsoe from the Department of Entomology was awarded his doctorate in the October 2020 graduation ceremony, with Dr Gugu Baduza and Dr Sinenhlanhla Memela graduating in the April 2021 ceremony.




Last Modified: Wed, 20 Oct 2021 14:33:36 SAST