E-mail address:l.vanderwalt@ru.ac.za
Office number: +27 (0)46 603 8939
- BA, BA Hons(Wits)
- PhD (Wits)
Publications and related: lucienvanderwalt.com/
Academia.edu page with publications, CV, record of teaching here
ResearchGate page is here
Professor Lucien van der Walt is a prize-winning scholar, who has given or published over 475 talks or papers. He has published in a wide range of local and international journals, newspapers and bulletins, as well as in reference works, and serves on six editorial boards. His works include numerous popular articles, including in Amandla, Ndivhuwo, Pambazuka, the South African Labour Bulletin, the Sowetan and Zabalaza, five books, four special journal issues, numerous chapters in peer-reviewed books, and scientific articles in journals including Actuel Marx, African Studies, Anarchist Studies, Anarchist Developments in Cultural Studies, Archiv fur die Geschichte des Widerstandes und der Arbeit, Canadian Journal of History / Annales Canadiennes d’Hhistoire, Capital and Class, Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, Global Labour Journal, Journal of Contemporary African Studies, Labor History, Labour Capital and Society, Mundos del Trabalho, Politikon, Refractions, Safundi: The Journal of South African and American Studies, and Society in Transition. He served as southern African editor for Blackwell's International Encyclopedia of Protest and Revolution: 1500 to the present (2009). His recent focus has been on South Africa, but he has also done research in Zambia and Zimbabwe.
Professor Lucien van der Walt is an National Research Foundation-rated scholar, has won a number of grants and scholarships, and was winner of both the international prize for the best Ph.D. dissertation from Labor History, the pre-eminent journal for historical scholarship in its field in the world, as well as the CODESRIA (Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa) prize for best African PhD thesis.
Professor Lucien van der Walt is a member of the History Workshop (University of the Witwatersrand), the Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit (NALSU, Rhodes University), the Global Labour University, and a former staff associate of the Society, Work and Development Institute (SWOP, University of the Witwatersrand).
He serves on the following editorial boards: Historia, The Journal of Labor and Society, and Revista Estudos Libertários journals; the Rowman and Littlefield series on Radical Subjects in International Politics: Action and Activism, the Editora Prismas series on Cole??o Estudos do Anarquismo, and the Continuum/ Manchester University Press series on Contemporary Anarchist Studies; and acts as a reviewer for the Global Labour Column. He is also a member of the South African Sociological Association (SASA), and of the International Sociological Association (ISA, RC 44 Labour Movements network).
Academic journals: reviewed papers for African Identities; Africa Insight; African Studies; Anarchist Studies; Canadian Journal of History; Capital and Class; Development Southern Africa; Ethnic and Racial Studies; Global Labour Journal; Historia; Interface: A Journal for and about Social Movements; Histoire sociale / Social History; International Journal of African Historical Studies; International Review of Social History; Journal of Contemporary African Studies; Journal of Public Affairs; Labor History; Labour History Review; Nations and Nationalism; Politikon: South African Journal of Political Studies; Postcolonial Studies; Scientia Militaria; Social Dynamics; South African Historical Journal; South African Review of Sociology; Third World Quarterly; Town and Regional Planning; WUSA: The Journal of Labor and Society.
Scholarly books: reviewed manuscripts and proposals for AK Press; Continuum/ Bloomsbury; Manchester University Press; Mapungubwe Institute for Strategic Reflection (MISTRA); South Africa' Oxford University Press; Pluto Press; Routledge; UCT Press/ Juta; UKZN Press; Wits University Press.
Professor Lucien van der Walt has been involved in the working class movements for over two decades, including serving on the executive of the Workers' Library and Museum, as a media officer for the early Anti-Privatisation Forum, as a rank-and-file activist in the National Education, Health and Allied Workers Union (NEHAWU), and as a union educator through the Global Labour University (GLU) at both Wits and at Kassel, the DITSELA Workers Education Unit, the Wits/ National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) programme, the Vuysile Mini Winter Schools and the Unemployed People's Movement Political Schools. He is coordinator of the Eastern Cape short course programme for metalworkers' unions, "Policy Theory and Research for Labour Movements," a partnership between the Department of Sociology & Industrial Sociology, and the Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit (NALSU).
Nominated for the University of the Witwatersrand ('Wits') Vice Chancellor Award, Lucien van der Walt's supervision and teaching has consistently been ranked in the top 10% at Wits. Since Lucien relocated to Rhodes University in 2013, his teaching evaluations have hit the same levels.
- Labour and left history, movements, politics and theory;
- Political economy and economic sociology, with a focus on neo-liberal restructuring and development policy, and alternatives;
- The sociology of work and industry.
- Neo-liberal restructuring, including state-owned corporations and economic & social policy;
- Trade unions and working class movements: history, politics, struggles, strategies;
- Labour history, including global labour history;
- Development strategies;
- Anarchist & syndicalist, Marxist and left history and theory, including race and the national question.
NOTE: Examples of theses supervised can be found at the end of this page.
- Labour history, with particular reference to anarchism and syndicalism in the colonial and post-colonial world, and questions of transnationality;
- The sociology of contemporary labour movements, with particular reference to trade unionism and labour struggles in southern Africa;
- Political economy, with particular reference to the neo-liberal restructuring of the state sector.
Keynotes and public lectures:
- Lucien van der Walt, 2018, "What are we Fighting For? Possibilities for Decent Work, Unions and Rights in Africa,” keynote, for Conference on Trade Union Transformation in Sub-Saharan Africa, Ledger Plaza Bahari Beach Hotel, Kunduchi, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES), 29 October-2 November 2018
- Lucien van der Walt, 2014, "Varieties of Anarchism: Anarchist Projects and the Struggles that Define Them," International Dissidence research group / Cluster of Excellence: Normative Orders, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universit?t Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt, Germany, public lecture, 7 August 2014.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2013, “Makhan Singh's (1914–1973) Legacy for Kenyan and African Trade Unions: Learning from the IWW, the Ghadar Party, and the East African Trade Union Congress,” First Makhan Singh Memorial Lecture, Nairobi, 5 December 2013.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2011, "The Global History of Labour Radicalisms: The Importance of Anarchism and Revolutionary Syndicalism," keynote for "Labour Beyond State, Nation, Race: Global Labour History as a New Paradigm,” University of Kassel, Germany, 26 November 2011.
Books, scholarly articles, chapters, special issues, editorships (recent):
- BOOK: David Johnson, Noor Nieftagodien and Lucien van der Walt (eds.) (accepted by publisher), Labour Struggles in Southern Africa, 1919-1949: New Perspectives on the Industrial and Commercial Workers' Union (ICU), Pretoria: HSRC Press.
- David Johnson, Noor Nieftagodien and Lucien van der Walt (accepted by publisher), “Introduction,” in David Johnson, Noor Nieftagodien and Lucien van der Walt (eds.), Labour Struggles in Southern Africa, 1919-1949: New Perspectives on the Industrial and Commercial Workers' Union (ICU), Pretoria: HSRC Press
- Lucien van der Walt (accepted by publisher), “The ICU, the Mines and the State in South West Africa, 1920-1926: Garveyism, Revolutionary Syndicalism and Global Labour History,” in David Johnson, Noor Nieftagodien and Lucien van der Walt (eds.), Labour Struggles in Southern Africa, 1919-1949: New Perspectives on the Industrial and Commercial Workers' Union (ICU), Pretoria: HSRC Press.
- BOOK: Kirk Helliker and Lucien van der Walt (eds.), 2018/ 2022, Politics at a Distance from the State: Radical and African Perspectives, PM Press, Oakland. Paperback edition of 2018 book. Information here.
- Kirk Helliker and Lucien van der Walt, 2018/ 2022, “Politics at a Distance from the State: Radical, South African and Zimbabwean Praxis Today,” in Kirk Helliker and Lucien van der Walt (eds.), Politics at a Distance from the State: Radical and African Perspectives, PM Press, Oakland, paperback edition, pp. 4-23
- Lucien van der Walt, 2018/ 2022, “Back to the Future: Revival, Relevance and Route of an Anarchist/Syndicalist Approach to 21st Century Left, Labour and National Liberation Movements,” in ibid., pp. 40-59.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2022, “Posfácio: (Re)Construindo o Anarquismo Histórico, a História, a Historiografia e a Teoria do Anarquismo,” to Felipe Corrêa, Bandeira Negra: Rediscutindo o Anarquismo, Autonomia Literária, S?o Paolo, revised edition, pp. 413-468: details here.
- Lucien van der Walt, Gilton Klerck, Kirk Helliker, 2022, “State Capitalism in Sub-Saharan Africa,” in Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra, Anna Grossman, Illya Okhamatovskiy, Pei Sun, Geoffrey Wood and Mike Wright (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of State Capitalism and the Firm, Oxford University Press, pp. 545-578: some details here.
- Lucien van der Walt (accepted, in press), “Anarchism and Syndicalism in Southern Africa,” in Marcel van der Linden (ed.), The Cambridge History of Socialism, volume 2, Cambridge University Press, some information here.
- Lucien van der Walt (accepted by publisher), “Fragmented Labour Movement, Fragmented Labour Studies: Mapping Some New Directions for Research and Theory,” in Andries Bezuidenhout, Christine Bischoff and Malehoko Tshoaedi (eds.), Labour Unlocked: New Directions in South African Labour Studies, Johannesburg: Wits University Press.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2021, “‘Tous les Travailleurs, Sans Distinction de Métier, de Race ou de Couleur de Peau’: La Première Vague d’Action et d’Influence IWW en Afrique du Sud,” in Peter Cole, David Struthers et Kenyon Zimmer (eds.), Solidarité Forever: Histoire Globale du Syndicat Industrial Workers of the World, Hors d’atteinte, Marseille, pp. 387-410 / Wobblies du Monde Entier: Une Histoire Globale de l’Industrial Workers of the World, Montréal, ?ditions de la Rue Dorion, pp. 357-378.
- Leroy Maisiri, Philip Nyalungu and Lucien van der Walt (2020), "Anarchist/ Syndicalist and Independent Marxist Intersections in Post-apartheid Struggles, South Africa: The WSF/ ZACF current in Gauteng, 1990s-2010s, Globalizations, zations, volume 17, number 5, pp. 797-819. Part of a special issue on “Pluriversality, Convergence, and Hybridity in the Global Left,” edited by Alex Prichard and Owen Worth. 50 free eprints here.
- Lucien van der Walt and Mandy Moussouris (2020), "Anarcho-syndicalism and Union Education in South Africa: A Critical Evaluation of the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) Tradition," in Linda Cooper and Sheri Hamilton (eds.), Renewing Workers' Education: Towards a Radical, Alternative Vision, HSRC Press: Cape Town, pp. 199-214.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2019, "Aspects de l'Histoire de l'Anarchisme et du Syndicalisme Révolutionnaire en Afrique du Sud, des Années 1880 aux Années 1920," Actuel Marx, 2019/2 (no 66), pp. 44-63.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2019, Beyond Decent Work: Fighting for Unions and Equality in Africa, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Berlin, 25 pp, available here.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2019, "Syndicalism," in Carl Levy and Mathew Adams (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Anarchism, Palgrave Macmillan, London, New York, pp. 249-263.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2018, “Préface,” to Guillaume Rey, Afriques Anarchistes: Introduction à l’Histoire des Anarchismes Africains, Paris, L’Harmattan, pp. 9-26.
- BOOK: Kirk Helliker and Lucien van der Walt (eds.), (2018), Politics at a Distance from the State: Radical and African Perspectives, Routledge, London and New York, pp. 111-163.
- Kirk Helliker and Lucien van der Walt, 2018, “Politics at a Distance from the State: Radical, South African and Zimbabwean Praxis Today,” in ibid., pp. 4-23.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2018, “Back to the Future: Revival, Relevance and Route of an Anarchist/Syndicalist Approach to 21st Century Left, Labour and National Liberation Movements,” in ibid., pp. 40-59.
- Lucien van der Walt 2018, "From Below: An Overview of South African Politics at a Distance from the State, 1917-2015, with Dossier of Texts," in in ibid., pp. 111-163.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2017, "Anarchism and Marxism," in N. Jun (ed.), The Brill Companion to Anarchism and Philosophy, Brill Academic Publishers, Leiden, pp. 505-558.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2017, "'All Workers regardless of Craft, Race or Colour': The First Wave of IWW Activity and Influence in South Africa”, in Peter Cole, David Struthers and Kenyon Zimmer (eds.), Wobblies of the World: A Global History of the IWW, Pluto Press, London/ University of Chicago Press, Chicago, pp. 271-287.
- Sian Byrne, Nicole Ulrich and Lucien van der Walt, 2017, "Red, Black and Gold: FOSATU, South African 'Workerism,' 'Syndicalism,' and the Nation," in Edward Webster and Karin Pampillas (eds.), 2017, The Unresolved National Question in South Africa: Left Thinking Under Apartheid, Johannesburg, Wits University Press, pp 254-273.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2016, “Fora das Sombras: A case de massas, a composi??o de classe e a influência popular do anarquismo e do sindicalismo,” in Andrey Cordeiro Ferreira (ed.), Pensamento e Práticas Insurgentes: Anarquismo e Autonomias nos Levantes e Resistências do Capitalismo no Século XXI, Alternativa Editora, Niterói, pp. 120-158.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2016, “Revolu??o Mundial: Para um balan?o dos impactos, da organiza??o popular, das lutas e da teoria anarquista e sindicalista em todo o mundo,” in Andrey Cordeiro Ferreira (ed.), Pensamento e Práticas Insurgentes: Anarquismo e Autonomias nos Levantes e Resistências do Capitalismo no Século XXI, Alternativa Editora, Niterói, pp. 81-118.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2016, "Back to the Future: Revival, Relevance and Route of an Anarchist/ Syndicalist Approach to 21st Century Left, Labour and National Liberation Movements," Journal of Contemporary African Studies, volume 34, number 3, pp. 348-367.
- Kirk Helliker and Lucien van der Walt, 2016, "Politics at a Distance from the State: Radical Praxis Today," Journal of Contemporary African Studies, volume 34, number 3, pp. 312-331.
- Philip Bonner, Jonathan Hyslop and Lucien van der Walt, 2016, "Rethinking Worlds of Labour: Southern African Labour History in International Context," in Andreas Eckert (ed.), Global Histories of Work, Berlin, De Gruyter, pp. 90-122.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2016, "Alternatives from the Ground Up," WorkingUSA: The Journal of Labor and Society, volume 19, number 2, pp. 251-268.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2016, "Global Anarchism and Syndicalism: Theory, History, Resistance," Anarchist Studies, volume 24, number 1, pp. 85-106
- Lucien van der Walt and Sian Byrne, 2015, "Review Article: Worlds of Western Anarchism and Syndicalism: Class Struggle, Transnationalism, Violence and Anti-imperialism, 1870s-1940s," Canadian Journal of History / Annales canadiennes d'histoire, volume 50, number 1, pp. 98–123.
- BOOK: Lucien van der Walt, 2014, Negro E Vermelho: Anarquismo, Sindicalismo Revolucionário e Pessoas de Cor na ?frica Meridional nas Décadas de 1880 a 1920, Editora Faísca, S?o Paulo, 103pp.
- BOOK: Steven J. Hirsch and Lucien van der Walt (eds.), (2010/ 2014), (foreword by Benedict Anderson), Anarchism and Syndicalism in the Colonial and Postcolonial World, 1870–1940: The Praxis of National Liberation, Internationalism, and Social Revolution, Brill Academic Publishers, Leiden, Studies in Global Social History, paperback edition, i–lxxvi, 510pp.
- Steven J. Hirsch and Lucien van der Walt, 2014, “Preface to the Paperback Edition,” in Steven J. Hirsch and Lucien van der Walt (eds.), (foreword by Benedict Anderson), 2014, Anarchism and Syndicalism in the Colonial and Postcolonial World, 1870-1940: The Praxis of National Liberation, Internationalism, and Social Revolution, Brill Academic Publishers, Leiden, Studies in Global Social History, pp. lxxv-lxxviii.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2014, "Reclaiming Syndicalism: From Spain to South Africa to Global Labour Today," Global Labour Journal, volume 5, number 2, pp. 239–252.
- REVIEW: Lucien van der Walt, 2014, “Jared Davidson, Sewing Freedom: Philip Josephs, Transnationalism and Early New Zealand Anarchism, Oakland, CA: AK Press, 2014; 174pp,” Anarchist Studies, volume 22, number 2, pp. 120-121.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2013, "Anarchism/ Syndicalism as a Vision, Strategy and Experience of Bottom-up Socialist Democracy: a reply to Daryl Glaser,” Politikon: South African Journal of Political Studies, volume 40, number 2, pp. 339–349.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2013, "(Re)Constructing a Global Anarchist and Syndicalist Canon," Anarchist Developments in Cultural Studies, 2013: number 1 (5th in series), pp. 193–203.
- SPECIAL JOURNAL ISSUE: Devan Pillay and Lucien van der Walt, 2012, “The Politics of Organized Labour in Asia, Africa and Latin America in the 21st Century,” special issue of Labour, Capital and Society, volume 44, number 2, with the Global Labour University.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2012, "Thibedi, T.W. (1888–1960),” in Henry Louis Gates and Emmanuel Akyeampong (eds.), Dictionary of African Biography, Oxford University Press pp. 13–14.
- Devan Pillay and Lucien van der Walt, 2012, "Introduction: Assessing the Politics of Organized Labour in Asia, Africa and Latin America at the Start of the 21st Century,” Labour, Capital and Society/ Travail, capital et société, volume 44, number 2, pp. 3–25.
- REVIEW: Lucien van der Walt, 2012, “David Berry and Constance Bantman, eds., New Perspectives on narchism, Labour and Syndicalism: The individual, the national and the transnational ,” Anarchist Studies, volume 20, number 1, pp. 123-126.
Academic conferences and seminars (recent):
- Lucien van der Walt, 2022, “"Radical Encounters: Christianity, Garveyism and Revolutionary Syndicalism in the Industrial & Commercial Workers Union of Africa, 1919-1939," Labour Studies Seminar Series, Rhodes University, Grahamstown/ Makhanda, 25 August.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2021, “The Industrial and Commercial Workers Union in South West Africa: Syndicalism, Garveyism and Resistance in South African-ruled Namibia, 1920-1925,” paper presented at Namibian and Southern African Studies Research Colloquium, Autumn 2021 Semester, Centre for African Studies, University of Basel/ Basler Afrika Bibliographien / University of Namibia (UNAM), 17 November.
- Lucien van der Walt, Sheridan Johns and Richard Mendelsohn, 2021, “The Political Odyssey of Solomon Buirski, South Africa: Traversing the Worlds of the IWW, the CPSA, Afrikaner Nationalism and the Jewish Diaspora,” 100 Years of the South African Communist Party: Debating Lineages of Socialism in Africa, 2021 Webinar Series, 27 July.
- Lucien van der Walt, Noor Nieftagodien: Round Table Discussion and Launch for Teresa Barnes, 2019, Uprooting University Apartheid in South Africa: From Liberalism to Decolonization, at "Trails, Traditions, Trajectories: Rethinking Perspectives on Southern African Histories," 27th Biennial Conference: Southern African Historical Society, Rhodes Unversity, Makhanda, South Africa, 24-26 June.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2019, "The Industrial and Commercial Workers Union in South West Africa: Syndicalism, Garveyism and Resistance in South African-ruled Namibia, 1920-1925," paper presented at "Trails, Traditions, Trajectories: Rethinking Perspectives on Southern African Histories," 27th Biennial Conference: Southern African Historical Society, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa, 24-26 June.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2019, "What are we Fighting For? Possibilities for Decent Work, Unions and Rights in Africa," Labour Studies Seminar Series, Rhodes University, Grahamstown/ Makhanda, 27 March.
- International conference presentation: Lucien van der Walt, 2018, “Rebuilding Links between Trade Unions and Co-operatives for Counter-Power,” Conference on Trade Union Transformation in Sub-Saharan Africa, Ledger Plaza Bahari Beach Hotel, Kunduchi Kunduchi, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES), 29 October-2 November 2018.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2018, “Fragmented Labour Movement, Fragmented Labour Studies: New Directions for Research and Theory,” paper presented at “Taking Democracy Seriously: Reflecting on Trade Unions in the Last 20 Years and the Future of the Labour Movement in South Africa,” conference, University of the Witwatersrand, 6-7 September.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2017, "1917-2017: The Russian Revolution and its Relevance Today," Labour Studies Seminar Series, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, 17 October.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2017, “Internal Democracy, Participative Unionism and Union Renewal: Perspectives from Anarcho-Syndicalism,” at “Challenges for Trade Unions in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Members are the Union, Aren’t They?” conference for unionists, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung-Trade Union Competence Centre Sub-Saharan Africa, University of the Witwatersrand, 23-25 October.
- Byrne, Nicole Ulrich and Lucien van der Walt, 2017, "Red, Black and Gold: FOSATU, South African 'Workerism,' 'Syndicalism' and the Nation," 2017 South African Historical Society biennial conference, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 21-23 June.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2017, "The Industrial and Commercial Workers Union in South West Africa: Syndicalism, Garveyism and Resistance in South African-ruled Namibia, 1920-1925," 2017 South African Historical Society biennial conference, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 21-23 June. (Earlier versions: Lucien van der Walt, 2016, "The Industrial and Commercial Workers Union in South West Africa: Syndicalism, Garveyism and Resistance in South African-ruled Namibia, 1920-1925," South African South African Sociological Association Congress, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, 26-29 June).
- Lucien van der Walt, 2016, "Rethinking the Limits and Possibilities of Trade Unions: A Dialogue between Syndicalism, Labour Studies and Contemporary Union Renewal," "The Just Transition and the Role of Labour: Our Ecological, Social and Economic Future - 11th Global Labour University Conference," National Institute for the Social Sciences and Humanities (NIHSS), Johannesburg, 28-30 September.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2016, "The Industrial and Commercial Workers Union in South West Africa: Syndicalism, Garveyism and Resistance in South African-ruled Namibia, 1920-1925," European Social Science History Conference, Valencia, Spain, 30 March - 2 April.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2015, “Trade Union and Worker Ideologies, Historic and Global: Anarchism, Syndicalism and Labour,” joint GLU (Global Labour University) (GLU)/ ENGAGE (Empowerment & Capacity Building Network for Global Trade Unionists & Labour Activists) seminar, University of the Witwatersrand, 20 November
- Lucien van der Walt, 2015, “Classes, Commons, Collectivisation: Labour and the Left,” Class, Colonialism and the Commons: The Case of Southern Africa colloquium: Rhodes University, South Africa, 20–21 August.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2015, “From the Periphery: Anarchism and Revolutionary Syndicalism in the Colonial and Post-Colonial World of the Twentieth Century," Anarchism: Insurgent Practices and Thought conference, Federal Rural University, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 30 June to 2 July.
- Nicole Ulrich, Lucien van der Walt and Sian Byrne, 2015, "Red, Black and Gold : FOSATU, South African 'Workerism,' 'Syndicalism' and the Nation," Hidden Voices: The Unresolved National Question in Left Thinking workshop, COSATU House, Johannesburg, South Africa, 18–19 May.Lucien van der Walt, 2014, "The Relevance of Makhan Singh for Labour Today," "Paying Living Wages: A Reality or Mirage?" Colloquium, Kenyan Human Rights Commission (KRC) Consortium, Venue: Panafric Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya, 27-28 November.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2014, "Fighting For, but Fighting for More, than a Living Wage," "Paying Living Wages: A Reality or Mirage?" colloquium, Kenyan Human Rights Commission (KRC) Consortium, Venue: Panafric Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya, 27-28 November.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2014, "Anarchism, Syndicalism and Violent Anti-imperialism in the Colonial and Post-colonial World, 1870–1940," Panel on "Transnational Dimensions of Violent Dissidence," Fourth Global International Studies Conference, World International Studies Committee (WISC), Frankfurt, Germany, 6–9 August.
- Nicole Ulrich and Lucien van der Walt, June 2014, "Workerism/Syndicalism and Nationalism," paper at "The Unresolved National Question in Left Thinking: Hidden voices, unpublished works 1950s to 1990," Chris Hani Institute, COSATU House, 10–11 June.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2014, "'One Great Union of Skilled and Unskilled Workers, South of the Zambezi': Garveyism, Liberalism and Revolutionary Syndicalism in the Industrial and Commercial Workers Union of Africa, 1919–1949," European Social Science History Conference, Vienna, Austria, 23–26 April.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2012, "Change the World by Making CounterPower: Anarchism/ Syndicalism, Class Struggle and the Question of Revolutionary Transitions," "Politics at a Distance from the State," Rhodes University, 29-30 September.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2012, "Anarchism and Syndicalism in South Africa: The Complicated History, and Possible Promise, of a Rediscovered Radical Tradition," "SAHUDA Lineages of Freedom: Emancipatory Traditions colloquium," Rhodes University, 4 October.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2012, "Adding Red to the Black Atlantic? Black Revolutionary Syndicalists and the South Africa Native National Congress's Radicalisation, 1917-1920," Critical Studies Seminar Series, Rhodes University, 10 August.
Popular works (recent):
- BOOKLET: Lucien van der Walt, 2022, Σπ?ζοντα? τι? Αλυσ?δε? Μια Ιστορ?α του Αναρχισμο?. Ελευθεριακη Συν?Ικαλιστικη. Ενωση: Αθ?να?. Translation of Lucien van der Walt, [1998] 2019, Breaking the Chains: A History of Anarchism, Zabalaza Books, Johannesburg, with new introduction
- Lucien van der Walt, 2022, “Πρ?λογο? του συγγραφ?α για την ελληνικ? ?κδοση,” new introduction to Lucien van der Walt, 2022, Σπ?ζοντα? τι? Αλυσ?δε? Μια Ιστορ?α του Αναρχισμο?. Ελευθεριακη Συν?Ικαλιστικη. Ενωση: Αθ?να?, pp. 13-20.
- COLLECTION: Zarina Patel and Lucien van der Walt (eds.), 2022, Building African Working-Class Unity: The Makhan Singh Memorial Lectures, Working-Class Education Series, Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit (NALSU), Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa/ AwaaZ Magazine, Nairobi, Kenya. Revised edition.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2022, “The Second Makhan Singh Memorial Lecture: Makhan Singh, the Ghadar Party, IWW and Communism: Legacy and Relevance to African Trade Unionism Today,” in Zarina Patel and Lucien van der Walt (eds.), Building African Working-Class Unity: The Makhan Singh Memorial Lectures, Working-Class Education Series, Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit (NALSU), Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa/ AwaaZ Magazine, Nairobi, Kenya. Revised edition.
- Zarina Patel and Lucien van der Walt, 2022, ”Background and Introduction to the Collection,” in Zarina Patel and Lucien van der Walt (eds.), Building African Working-Class Unity: The Makhan Singh Memorial Lectures, Working-Class Education Series, Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit (NALSU), Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa/ AwaaZ Magazine, Nairobi, Kenya. Revised edition.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2020, "Understanding South Africa’s Incomplete Liberation: An Anarchist/ Syndicalist Analysis," ASR/ Anarcho-Syndicalist Review, number 80, pp. 11-16, here.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2019, “Anarchism’s Relevance to Black and Working-Class Strategy: Dispelling Ten Myths,” ASR/ Anarcho-Syndicalist Review, number 76, pp. 30-34.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2019, “Erneuerung und Reform der Arbeiterbewegung: Ein Pl?doyer für den Anarcho-Syndikalismus,” Direkte Aktion, 18 October.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2019, "Should the Anti-Capitalists Vote?" International Labour Research and Information Group (ILRIG), 3 September, online here.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2019, “Rebuilding Links between Unions and Co-operatives for Counter-Power,” Amandla, numbers 67/68, pp. 28-29. here.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2019, "Anarchism's Relevance to Black and Working Class Strategy: Dispelling Ten Myths," ASR/ Anarcho-Syndicalist Review, number 76, pp. 30-34.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2019, "Rebuilding the Workers' Movement for Counter-Power, Justice and Self-Management: A Contribution to the Debate," Amandla, number 63, pp. 24-25.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2019, Breaking the Chains: A History of Anarchism, Zabalaza Books, Johannesburg, reprint of 1998 Workers Solidarity text, online here.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2018/2019, "Renewing and Reforming Labor: The Case for Anarcho-Syndicalism," ASR/ Anarcho-syndicalist Review, number 75, pp. 10-15.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2019, “Introduction to the 1994 South African Edition (revised),” Alfredo Bonanno, Anarchism and the National Liberation Struggle, Zabalaza Books, Johannesburg, third South African edition, pp. 4-6. here.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2019, “Introduction to the Second South African Edition (2003),” Alfredo Bonanno, Anarchism and the National Liberation Struggle, Zabalaza Books, Johannesburg, third South African edition, pp. 7-14. here, republishing from 2003, here.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2018, "From Union Renewal to a Self-Managed Society: Towards an Anarcho-syndicalist Project," South African Labour Bulletin, volume 42, number 1, pp. 27-30. Republished in Pambazuka News, number 879, 21 May, online here.
- Leroy Maisiri and Lucien van der Walt, 2018, "Alternatives to Capitalism Part 3: Resist-Occupy-Produce: Lessons from Factory Take-Overs and Worker Cooperatives in Argentina," Workers World News (ILRIG), number 110, August-September, pp. 8-9.
- Muttaqa Yushau Abdulra'uf, Sian Byrne, Warren McGregor and Lucien van der Walt, 2017, "Beyond May Day Parades: Building a Counter-Movement in Malaysia and Worldwide," Anarkismo, 28 April, online here.
- Sian Byrne, Paliani Chinguwo, Warren McGregor, and Lucien van der Walt, 30 April 2018,"Why May Day matters to Malawi: History with anarchist roots," As it Happens News (Malawi), online here.
- Lucien van der Walt and Peter Cole, 2018, "The Other Revolutionaries: the IWW and the fight against racism in the USA, South Africa, India, and New Zealand," Review of African Political Economy (ROAPE) blog, 29 March, online here.
- Peter Cole and Lucien van der Walt, 2017, "Wobblies: A New History of a Radical Union that Profoundly Impacted Southern African Politics," Africa Is A Country, here.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2017, "Alan Robert Lipman, South Africa (1925-2013)," Southern African Anarchist & Syndicalist History Archive, 27 April, here.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2017, "Renewal and Crisis in South African Labour Today," Pambazuka News, 206-01-207, volume 436, number 1, online here.
- Lucien van der Walt, with Sian Byrne and Nicole Ulrich, 2017, "South African 'Workerism' in the 1980s: Learning from FOSATU's Radical Unionism," ASR/ Anarcho-syndicalist Review, numbers 71/72, pp. 28-32.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2016, "Why Workers' Education? Why Trade Unions and What's Next?," South African Labour Bulletin, volume 40, number 5, pp. 46-48.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2016, "Imperial Wars and Their Losers: A Critique of 'Labor Aristocracy' Theories," ASR/ Anarcho-syndicalist Review, number 66, pp. 15-16.
- Shawn Hattingh and Lucien van der Walt, 2015, “The Kurdish Question: Nationhood or Autonomy,” Ndivhuwo: Journal for Intellectual Engagement, number 3, 2015, pp. 70-72.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2015, "How Imperialism and Postcolonial Elites have Plundered Africa,” Tokologo, numbers 5/6, pp. 17–19.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2015, "Bill Andrews and South Africa’s Revolutionary Syndicalists,” Tokologo, numbers 5/6, p. 24.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2015, "Beyond ‘White Monopoly Capital’: Who Owns South Africa?," South African Labour Bulletin, volume 39, number 3, pp. 39-42.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2015, "From Living Wage to Working Class Counter-Power: Theory, Strategy and Struggle," Bargaining Indicators 2015: A Collective Bargaining Omnibus, volume 15, pp. 117–124.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2015, "From Living Wage to Working Class Counter-power," South African Labour Bulletin, volume 39, number 2, pp 35-39.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2015, "Self-Managed Class-Struggle Alternatives to Neo-liberalism, Nationalisation, Elections," Global Labour Column, number 213, October 2015.
- Thabang Sefalafala and Lucien van der Walt, 2015, "Building a Mass Anarchist Movement: The Example of Spain's CNT," Zabalaza: A Journal of Southern African Revolutionary Anarchism, number 14, pp. 25–26.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2015, "From Living Wage to Working Class Counter-power," South African Labour Bulletin, volume 39, number 2, pp 35–39.
- Lucien van der Walt, Sian Byrne and Warren McGregor, 2015, "Troubled SA Must Take May Day Seriously," Mail and Guardian, 30 April.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2015, "Speech: Working Class Struggle, Blazing a Path to Freedom," Zabalaza: A Journal of Southern African Revolutionary Anarchism, number 14.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2014, "Politics at a Distance from the State: Speech to South African Movements," ASR/ Anarcho-syndicalist Review, number 62, pp. 21–23.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2013, "Speech to Metalworkers: Anarcho-syndicalism for South African Unions Today?," ASR/ Anarcho-syndicalist Review, number 61, pp. 11–20.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2014, "Bernard Sigamoney, Durban Indian Revolutionary Syndicalist," Tokologo, number 4, p.11.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2 October 2014, "Repensando la Protección Social: Una crítica radical," in Economía para todos, Diagonal Periódico newspaper, online here.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2014, "T.W. Thibedi and the Industrial Workers of Africa, April-July 1919," Tokologo, number 3, p. 10.
- Muttaqa Yushau, Sian Byrne, Warren McGregor and Lucien van der Walt, 2013, "Towards a Viable Counter-Movement in Nigeria,” Daily Labour, volume 26, number 7, (Nigeria), 20 June , p. 10. (also see corrections note in Daily Labour, 15 July 2013 vol. 26 no. 8, p. 1).
- Lucien van der Walt, Paliani Chinguwo, Sian Byrne and Warren McGregor, 3 May 2013, "Why May Day Matters to Botswana,” Mmegi, volume 30, number 65, (Botswana), pp. 8–9.
- Lucien van der Walt, Paliani Chinguwo, Sian Byrne and Warren McGregor, 1 May 2013, "Why May Day Matters to Malawi ... History with Anarchist Roots,” The Nation, Labour Day Supplement, (Malawi), pp. 11–12.
- Tina Sizovuka and Lucien van der Walt, 2013, "Get Rich or Lie Trying: Why ANC Millionaire Julius Malema Posed as a Radical, Why he Lost, and What This Tells Us about the Post-apartheid ANC,” Zabalaza: A Journal of Southern African Revolutionary Anarchism, number 13, pp. 28–35.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2013, “Who Rules South Africa? An Anarchist/Syndicalist Analysis of the ANC,the Post-apartheid Elite Pact and the Political Implications,” Zabalaza: A Journal of Southern African Revolutionary Anarchism, no. 13, pp. 7–13.
- Tina Sizovuka and Lucien van der Walt, 2013, "Alternative Needed to Nationalisation and Privatisation: State Industries like South Africa’s ESKOM show Working Class Deserves Better," Zabalaza: A Journal of Southern African Revolutionary Anarchism, number 13.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2013, "Black Stars of Anarchism: T.W. Thibedi (1888-1960) - The Life of a South African Revolutionary Syndicalist," Zabalaza: A Journal of Southern African Revolutionary Anarchism, no. 13.
- Shawn Hattingh and Lucien van der Walt, 2013, "Mandela, the ANC and the 1994 Breakthrough: Anarchist / syndicalist reflections," Anarkismo, 16 December, online here.
- Lucien van der Walt and Ian Bekker, 2012, "Améliorer le Mouvement des Travailleurs: le?ons de la grande grève de 2010 en Afrique du sud,” Terre et Liberté, number 2, (France), p. 5.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2012, "Internationalismus und Antiimperialismus von unten: Anarchismus und Syndikalismus in der Kolonialen und Postkolonialen Welt,” Direkte Aktion, number 209, (Germany), p. 12.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2012, "Anarchism's Historical Role: A Global View,” Freedom, February, (Britain), pp. 13–15.
Recent presentations: labour, civil society (selected):
- Lucien van der Walt, 2022, “Contextual Discussion: The Current Conjuncture and the Broad Working-Class,” Makukhanye Rural Movement: Strategic Workshop/ Khanyisa Educational and Development Trust, Cuyler Street, central Port Elizabeth/ Gqeberha, South Africa, 23 July.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2022, “Positioning Young Workers for their Rightful Place in the Economy, Politics, Labour,” presented at South African Municipal Workers Union (SAMWU) Young Workers workshop/ panel, online, 28 June. For the video and a report, visit here. For a copy of my slides, go here.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2021, “The Defence and Strengthening of Collective Bargaining in the Context of Municipal and Working-Class Crisis,” presented to SA Municipal Workers Union Collective Bargaining Conference, Sunnyside Hotel, Johannesburg, 15-16 March.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2021, “Building an Ethical Politics: After the Unrest and the Political Parties,” Unemployed Peoples Movement (UPM), Graham Hotel, Makhanda, 15 July.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2021, Opening address, “South African Unrest: How do we Understand what Happened?,” 18th ILRIG Political School, Don Bosco, Johannesburg, 26-30 September.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2021, “Understanding Capitalism: Explaining Class Conflict,” Train the Trainer school, South African Federation of Trade Unions (SAFTU), University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 10 November.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2021, “In the South: The ICU in Southern Africa,” Vuyisile Mini Workers School, Makhanda, 8-12 November.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2021, “Resources to Revive Unionism: Recovering the History of Africa’s Unions,” Vuyisile Mini Workers School, Makhanda, 8-12 November.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2021, “Unions, Co-operatives and the ‘Solidarity Movement,'” Vuyisile Mini Workers School, Makhanda, 8-12 November.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2020, “Can we Mix Litigation and Mass-Democratic Mobilisation? Critical Reflections on Current Community-Based Legal Challenges in the Eastern Cape, and the Lessons of the 1980s and 1990s,” presented at workshop / summit of Eastern Cape social movements on “Participatory Budgeting,” Makhanda, 30 November 2020. Workshop hosted by Unemployed Peoples Movement (UPM). The text is here.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2020, “The Working Class and the Crisis: Mapping a Long March,” Labour Community Media Forums EC Provincial Workshop Programme, Noluthando Hall, Joza, Makhanda, 22 October.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2020, “Working Class Heritage: The Creation of the Working Class and its Struggles in South Africa” Heritage Day event, Sundays River Valley Farm Workers Forum, Masizakhe Community Hall, Nomathamsanqa township, Addo, Eastern Cape, 26 September.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2020, “Understanding South Africa’s Incomplete Liberation: How Did we End up Here?,” Makhanda Workshop, Rojava Speaking Tour: “An Alternative for a World in Crisis: The Rojava Revolution, Kurdish Freedom Movement and Prospects for South Africa’s Incomplete Liberation,” Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit (NALSU)/ International Labour Research and Information Group (ILRIG), Amazwi South African Museum of Literature, Makhanda, 9 March.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2020, “Critically Assessing Social Programmes to Mitigate COVID-19: Long march to rebuilding bottom-up, working class-led change in South Africa,” #SAFTUWorkersConversations on “Coronavirus and the Working Class,” South African Federation of Trade Unions (SAFTU), online, 26 May. Video recording of the event here.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2020, “Political Implications of the Successful UPM Case to Dissolve Makana Municipality,” Unemployed Peoples Movement (UPM), Rhodes University, Makhanda, 27 January.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2019, “Understanding Authoritarian Populism and Building Inclusive, Bottom-Up Working Class Alternatives,” 17th Annual ILRIG Globalisation School on “The Rise of Right-Wing Politics and Authoritarian Rule: Deepening our Understanding and Broadening Inclusive Organisation and Struggle,” Cape Town, 9 October. VIDEO recording here.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2019, "Modes of Politics at a Distance from the State," input at Vuyisile Mini Winter School 2019: Politics Within and at a Distance from the State, Rhodes University, Makhanda (Grahamstown), 9-12 July.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2019, "Overview of Theories of the State," input at Vuyisile Mini Winter School 2019: Politics Within and at a Distance from the State, Rhodes University, Makhanda (Grahamstown), 9-12 July.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2019, "The State, Accumulation and Class Formation after Apartheid," input at Vuyisile Mini Winter School 2019: Politics Within and at a Distance from the State, Rhodes University, Makhanda (Grahamstown), 9-12 July.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2019, "Should the Anti-Capitalists Contest Elections?," International Labour Research and Information Group (ILRIG)/ Workers World Media Productions (WWMP) Public Forum & debate, Isivivana Centre, Khayelitsha, Cape Town, 25 April.
- Ayanda Kota, Leroy Maisiri and Lucien van der Walt, 2018, design, facilitation and delivery of three-day workshop: "Autonomy, Land, Self-Management: Alternatives & the Russian and Spanish Revolutions," for Unemployed People's Movement (UPM), Stone Crescent, Grahamstown, 7-9 November.
- Ayanda Kota, Leroy Maisiri and Lucien van der Walt, 2017, design, facilitation and delivery of three-day workshop: "Women, Workers, Land Reform: What Can we Learn from the Russian Revolution?," for Unemployed People's Movement (UPM), Stone Crescent, Grahamstown, 10-12 December.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2017, "Soviets, Revolution and Workers' Democracy: Anarchist/ Syndicalist Perspectives," 1917 Russian Revolution Centenary Festival, Newtown, Johannesburg, 10-12 November.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2017, "Internal Democracy, Participative Unionism and Union Renewal: Perspectives from Anarcho-Syndicalism," at "Challenges for Trade Unions in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Members are the Union, Aren't They?" conference for unionists, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung-Trade Union Competence Centre Sub-Saharan Africa, University of the Witwatersrand, 23-25 October.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2017, "Learning from Radical 1980s Unionism: FOSATU's 'Workerism,' Its Power and Its Limits," input at "'People's Power,' 'Workers' Control' and Grassroots Politics in South Africa: Rethinking Practices of Self-Organisation and Anti-apartheid Resistance in the 1980s" workshop, International Labour Research and Information Group (ILRIG)/ Orange Farm Human Rights Advice Centre, Drieziet extension, Orange Farm township, 24 June. (Paper developed with Sian Byrne and Nicole Ulrich).
- Lucien van der Walt, 2017, "The Political Economy of the Rhodes Industrial Action," seminar on "Students and the Strike," Asinimali, Rhodes University, 28 April.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2016, "Racial Capitalism and Workers' Movements in South Africa," Global Labour University's Summer School, Bronkhorstspruit, 2 October.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2016, "Building Workers Education Input," Vuyisile Mini Winter School 2015: Labour and Social Policy, Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER) Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit (NALSU), Rhodes University, 16 July.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2015, "Revolution in Guinea-Bissau: Assessing Cabral and the PAIGC Experience", Tokologo seminar, University of the Witwatersrand, 21 November.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2015, "Trade Union and Worker Ideologies, Historic and Global: Anarchism, Syndicalism and Labour," joint GLU (Global Labour University) (GLU)/ ENGAGE (Empowerment & Capacity Building Network for Global Trade Unionists & Labour Activists) seminar, University of the Witwatersrand, 20 November.
- Lucien van der Walt and Nicole Ulrich, 2015, "A Historical Perspective on the South African Labour Movement and the National Question," Vuyisile Mini Winter School 2015: Labour and Social Policy, Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER), Rhodes University, 18 July.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2015, "Thomas Sankara and the Revolution of the Colonels", Tokologo seminar, University of the Witwatersrand, 16 May.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2015, "Radical Analysis of the Post-Colonial African Context", Tokologo seminar, University of the Witwatersrand, 21 February.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2014, "1976: Lessons and Limits", Tokologo seminar, University of the Witwatersrand, 21 June.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2014, "From June 16 to Today: Youth and politics," seminar with Unemployed People's Movement (UPM), Rhodes University, 19 June.
- Popular talk: Lucien van der Walt, 2014, "Early years of anarchism, syndicalism and the national question in South Africa," Zabalaza seminar, University of the Witwatersrand, 29 January.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2013, "The Political Possibilities of Trade Unions: Anarcho-syndicalist Perspectives," National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) 1st Political School, panel, Kopanong Hotel and Conference Centre, Benoni, 13-18 September.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2013, afternoon input at National Health, Education and Allied Workers Union (NEHAWU) branch executive training workshop, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, 31 August.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2013, "Anarchist Revolution in the Ukraine 1918-1921 and the Colonial Question", Tokologo workshop, University of the Witwatersrand, 20 July.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2013, "A Preliminary History of the Rebirth of South African Anarchism in the 1990s," Zabalaza seminar, University of the Witwatersrand, 3 May.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2012, "Why Working Class Heritage Matters", address: "Heritage Day" event, Sakhalutu Cultural Group, Joza township, Grahamstown, 24 September.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2012, "Basic Organising Skills", Inkululeko workshop, University of the Witwatersrand, 19 August 2012.
- Lucien van der Walt, 2012, "Statist Currents in the Working Class Movement", Tokologo workshop, University of the Witwatersrand, 23 June.
Byrne, Sian, 2011, “‘Building Tomorrow Today’: A Re-examination of the Controversial ‘Workerist’ Tendency Associated with the Federation of South African Trade Unions (FOSATU) in South Africa 1979-1985” (MA, Industrial Sociology, Wits).
Scott Flatau, 2017, “Trade Union Perceptions of ESKOM in Light of Recent Crises: A Case Study of the National Union of Metal Workers South Africa (NUMSA) and the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM)” (Honours research dissertation, Industrial and Economic Sociology, Rhodes).
Goqoza, Noluyolo, 2014, “Challenges of Post-Apartheid State Owned Company Pension Fund Reform: A Case Study of the Controversy around the Transnet-Transport Pension Fund” (MSocSci, Industrial and Economic Sociology, Rhodes).
Gbahabo, Terfa Percy, 2011, “Desertification and Rural Livelihood: The Case of Gursulu Village, Yobe State, Nigeria” (MA, Development Studies, Wits, co-supervised with P. Germond).
Gongqa, Nombulelo, 2019, “South African Trade Union Responses to Xenophobia in the Workplaces: The National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) and National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA)” (MSocSci , Industrial and Economic Sociology, Rhodes).
CURRENT: Hanise, Bongani, “Post-Apartheid Debates in the South African Communist Party: The Controversy over Running in Elections” (Masters thesis, Industrial and Economic Sociology, Rhodes, co-supervised with John Reynolds, ongoing).
Heald-Oka, Arisa, 2017, “University Transformation from the Perspective of Organised Labour: Was 2017 Industrial Action at Rhodes University an Outcome of Neoliberalism?,” (Honours research dissertation, Industrial and Economic Sociology, Rhodes).
Kabali-Kagwa, Faye, 2013, “Crossing Borders: An Exploration of Race, Class and South African Students’ Perception of African Students at Rhodes University” (Honours research dissertation, Sociology, Rhodes).
Kautzky, Keegan, 2008, “An Examination of the Resources and Relationships Available to Impoverished Rural Households to Adapt and Cope in Response to HIV/Aids: A Survey of Villages in the Sekhukhuneland Region of South Africa’s Limpopo Province” (MA, Development Studies, Wits, co-supervised with Leah Gilbert).
Kepadisa, Moemedi, 2014, “The Impact of Post-1994 Trade and Industrial Policies on the Working Class: A Case Study of Iscor (now Arcelor Mittal-South Africa) from 1996 to 2012” (MMPP, Wits).
CURRENT: Kota, Ayanda, “Challenging Corruption from Below: The UPM and Civil Society in Makhanda” (Masters thesis, Industrial and Economic Sociology, Rhodes, co-supervised with John Reynolds and Pedro Tabensky, ongoing)
Mahote, Tulisa, 2014, “Evaluating Support Service Co-operation in the Netcare Settlers Public Private Partnership (PPP), Grahamstown, South Africa” (MSocSci, Social Sciences, Rhodes).
Maisiri, Leroy, 2013, “Coping Strategies in Conditions of Economic Meltdown: Textile Firms in Contemporary Bulawayo, Zimbabwe” (Honours research dissertation, Industrial and Economic Sociology, Rhodes).
Maisiri, Leroy, 2014, “The New ‘Workers Party’ Debate on the South African Independent Left, 2012-2014” (MA, Industrial and Economic Sociology, Rhodes).
CURRENT: Makola, Luka, “Co-operatives and Self-Management in South Africa’s Union Movement: A Case Study of the National Union of Metalworkers’ (NUMSA’s) Co-operatives, 1987-1993” (MSocSci, Industrial and Economic Sociology, Rhodes, ongoing).
CURRENT: Makwetu, Ncebekazi, “Vuyisile Mini: African Communist, Union Leader and Guerilla Fighter, 1920-1964” (PhD, Industrial and Economic Sociology, Rhodes, co-supervised with Nicole Ulrich).
Maselwa, Avuyile, 2017, “‘My Friend,’ the Stranger: Somali Spaza Shop Operators in the Villages around Cofimvaba, Eastern Cape, South Africa” (MSocSci, Sociology, Rhodes).
CURRENT: Mathekga, Jerry Mmanoko, “Organising the Changing Municipal Workforce: A Case Study of the South African Municipal Workers’ Union (SAMWU) in the Cape Town Metro, 2000-2015” (PhD, Industrial and Economic Sociology, Rhodes, co-supervised with Nicole Ulrich, under examination).
McGregor, Warren, 2018, “The Class Compromised? SATAWU and Organised Labour’s ‘The Reconstruction of Spoornet’ Initiative” (MA, Industrial Sociology, Wits, co-supervised with M. Williams).
Mortlock, Matthew, 2021, “Assessing State Asset Restructuring in Post-Apartheid South Africa: The Impact of Telkom on Internet Infrastructure since Privatisation” (MSocSci, Industrial and Economic Sociology, Rhodes).
Mosesi, Poloko, 2016, “The Impact of Micro-lending on Welfare-Dependent Black Women: A Case Study from the Free State, South Africa” (Honours research dissertation, Industrial and Economic Sociology, Rhodes).
Mosesi, Poloko, 2019, “‘Smart Economics,’ ‘Women-Centred Development’ and Neo-Liberal Narratives: A Case Study of the ATHENA programme, Rand Merchant Bank” (MSocSci, Industrial and Economic Sociology, Rhodes, co-supervised with D. Fryer).
Moussouris, Mandy, 2009, “Love, Liberty and Learning: The Problem with Skills in Revolution – An Anarchist Perspective on Trade Union Education in COSATU” (Honours research dissertation, Industrial Sociology, Wits).
Moyo, Wisdom Ntando, “The 2019 SASBO Bank Workers’ Strike in South Africa: Unpacking Labour Responses to the Fourth Industrial Revolution” (MA, Industrial and Economic Sociology, Rhodes).
Mulondo, Matodzi Michelle, 2009, “Understanding the Use of Fully Subsidised Houses as a Place of Business by the Urban Poor: Poverty Repackaged or Avenue to Escape Poverty? The Case of Lotus Gardens, Pretoria West, Gauteng” (MA, Development Studies, Wits).
Musi, Mojalefa, 2010, “Evaluating IMATU and SAMWU Policy Responses to Igoli 2002” (MA, Labour Policy and Globalisation, Wits).
Mussa, Khadija, 2015, “Views from the Inside: An Appraisal of the Effectiveness of International NGOs as Agents of Development through a Case Study of Concern Universal’s Local Development Support Programme in Dedza District, Malawi” (MSocSci, Sociology, Rhodes).
Mutyavaviri, Tariro, 2014, “Implications of Mining for Local Community Members in Marange, Zimbabwe” (Honours research dissertation, Industrial and Economic Sociology, Rhodes).
Nathan, Oliver, 2012, “What is the Relationship between State Sponsored Worker Co-operatives, Local Markets and the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality?” (MA, Industrial Sociology, Wits).
Ndemka, Sibulela, 2017, “Experiences of Xenophobia in South Africa: A Case Study of the 2015 Attacks in Grahamstown” (Honours research dissertation, Industrial and Economic Sociology, Rhodes).
Ndlozi, Mbuyiseni, 2010, “Trade Unionism in South Africa: A Critical Assessment of Trade Union Strategy – The Case of the CWIU, 1987-1999” (MA, Industrial Sociology, Wits).
CURRENT: Ngoma, Amuzweni, “Exploring the Role of Charismatic Neo-Pentecostalism in the Social Life of the Black Middle Class in Contemporary South Africa” (PhD, Industrial and Economic Sociology, Rhodes, co-supervised with Roger Southall, ongoing).
Nthinya, Neo, 2014, “The Role of the Independent Municipal and Allied Trade Union (IMATU) in the Merger of the City of Tshwane and the Metsweding Municipalities (2010-2011)” (MA, Labour and Development, Wits).
CURRENT: Nyalungu, Phillip, “Reclaiming Economies: Waste-pickers’ Lives and Work in Makhanda, Eastern Cape, South Africa” (MA, Industrial and Economic Sociology, Rhodes, co-supervised with Nicole Ulrich, ongoing).
Sefalafala, Thabang, 2010, “Union Splits on the Mines: A Case Study of ‘Legal Voice’ at Driefontein East Gold Mine, Carletonville, Gauteng” (Honours research dissertation, Industrial Sociology, Wits).
Shangase, Mabutho, 2007, “Examining the Effectiveness of BEE Implementation: A Case Study of ESKOM Restructuring, 1995-2005” (MA, Development Studies, Wits).
Sibuyi, Nkosana, 2021, “The Effects of Competing Policy Imperatives in Post-Apartheid South Africa: An analysis of the effects of ESKOM restructuring on the South African Automotive Industry, 2005-2014” (PhD, Industrial and Economic Sociology, Rhodes).
CURRENT: Theledi, Nkosinathi Louis, “Joe Slovo, 1926-1995: A Political Biography of a South African Marxist” (PhD, History, Rhodes, co-supervised with J. Wells, ongoing).
Wollnick, Nadjeschda, 2017, “COSATU’s Economic and Social Policy Influences: Marxist or Keynesian?” (Honours research dissertation, Industrial and Economic Sociology, Rhodes).
Xaba, Brilliant, 2013, “An Investigation into the Effectiveness of the Child Support Grant (CSG) in Alleviating Poverty in Poor Grahamstown Communities” (Honours research dissertation, Development Studies, Rhodes).
Xaba, Brilliant, 2015, “The Developmental Impact of Non-contributory Social Grants in South Africa: A Study of Ezibeleni, Queenstown” (MSocSci in Development Studies, Rhodes)
Last Modified: Tue, 13 Sep 2022 14:36:38 SAST