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Ms Tanusha Dukhan

+27 (0) 46 603 8941 046603 Room no: T28

MSc (with distinction) (Wits), BSHc Hons (Wits)


Anatomy and Physiology

Research Interests:

I am a passionate academic with a natural interest in teaching and an avid curiosity that drives my goals in research. I have used various opportunities to educate students in physiology over the past seven years and have thoroughly enjoyed each moment of shared understanding. While my MSc focused on the physiology of learning and memory, my PhD explores the Anatomy and Physiology curriculum using Critical Realism and Legitimation Code Theory.

Recent Publications:

Swanepoel, T., Sabbar, M., Baartman, T.L., Laburn, H.P., Mitchell, D., Dukhan, T. and Harden, L.M., 2016. Simulated acute central Mycoplasma infections in rats induce fever, anorexia, body mass stunting and lethargy but spare memory. Physiology & Behavior163, pp.294-304.

Peer-reviewed conference proceedings:

5th International Symposium on the Physiology and Pharmacology of Temperature Regulation (PPTR)

41st Annual Conference of the Physiology Society of Southern Africa