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Distinguished Professor Tebello Nyokong

 2021 Photo Prof Nyokong



Distinguished Professor Rhodes University
DST/NRF Research Professor of Medicinal Chemistry and Nanotechnology
Director: DST/Mintek Nanotechnology Innovation Centre



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Personal Assistant:
Tel: +27 (0)46 6038260 or 8801



PhD    Chemistry, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, 1987.
MSc    Chemistry, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, 1981.
BSc    Chemistry and Biology, with Concurrent Certificate in Education, University of Lesotho, 1977.

MSc and PhD studies funded by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA).
BSc funded by the Lesotho Government.



Distinguished Professor of Chemistry

Director of the DST/Mintek Nanotechnology Innovation Centre – Sensors

Holder of Research Chair Medicinal Chemistry and Nanotechnology- awarded by DST/NRF

Adjunct professor of chemistry at University of Tromso in Norway- from 2008

Professor of Physical-Inorganic Chemistry, Rhodes University, 2001-2006

Associate Professor of Physical-Inorganic Chemistry, Rhodes University, 1998 -2000

Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Chemistry, Rhodes University, 1992 - 1997.

Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Physical-Inorganic Chemistry, University of Lesotho, 1981, 1987-1991.

Teaching Assistant, McMaster University, 1979-1980, and The University of Western Ontario, 1982-1986.



Over 840 Publications - Click on link below to see all Publications:



Click on link below to see Books/Book Chapters:



Click on link below for more details:



Distinguished Prof Nyokong is an A-rated scientist and received the following awards during her career:

Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry

2020 - Linstead Career Award in Phthalocyanine Chemistry

2020 - Prof Nyokong was one of the 14 black women to feature in the book “Holding the Knife’s Edge: Journeys of Black Female Scientists” This book features the journeys of 14 award-winning and pioneering black women in Science, from their childhoods and education to their arrival in the upper echelons of various organisations, achieved through innovation, academic excellence, social intelligence, authentic leadership and tenacity. Included are tips for success for aspiring women who dream of following a career in the sciences.

2020 - Prof Nyokong features in Violet Book.
Created in 2019, Violet , a space for powerful femininity to be investigated, celebrated, is a biannual print edition and ever-evolving website sharing women's stories and wisdom. Violet champion those whose work and insight are admired most.

2020 - Prof Nyokong also features in an Afrikaans book: Uitvinders, Planmakers en ander Slimkoppe van Suid-Afrika (English: Inventors, Planmakers and other Smartheads of South Africa)
This book includes stories about people who have made medical breakthroughs. Stories about people working with animals and plants. Stories about people trying to unravel the secrets of heaven. Stories about people making interesting discoveries about fossils, earth, water and the climate. This is truly a proudly South African book that will inspire and motivate each reader to ask, discover and create questions.

2020 - To celebrate World Science Day, Prof Nyokong was selected as one of the 20 women in science who are paving the way for future generations around the world, from scientists and professors to astronauts and founders of tech companies.

Awarded Degree Of Doctor Of Science, Honoris Causa from Western University, London, Ontario, Canada (11-15 June 2019)

Awarded Doctor of Science Honoris Causa by University of Kwazulu-Natal, 18th April 2018

November 2017 - Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) – National Laser Centre Rental Pool Programme Award based on student training on lasers supplied through the programme:
- An award for the number of Doctoral students that graduated in 2016/2017 and
- Number of students trained in 2016/2017

November 2017 - Black Science, Technology & Engineering Professionals (BSTEP) identified Prof Nyokong as a legend and honoured her in its first ever Black Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) excellence award ceremony.  

2016 – Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) – National Laser Centre Rental Pool Programme Award for most publications and most doctoral students trained in 2015.

Continental Award - Kwame Nkrumah Scientific Award by the African Union in 2016

Recognized by CEO (Celebrating excellence in organizations) in Johannesburg as the most influential woman in Education & Training in South Africa and the SADC (Southern African Development Community) region. CEO is a network of leaders from the SADC” – 2015

UNESCO Medal for Contribution to Development of Nanoscience and Nanotechnologies - 2015

Appointed by United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon as part of United Nations Secretary-General’s High-Level Panel on Technology Bank For Least Developed Countries - 2015

Jury - L’OR?AL-UNESCO For Women in Science Awards 2014/2015

Featured in 21 Icons (SABC-3), South Africa - 2014

National Research Foundation "Lifetime Achievement Award" - 2013

National Research Foundation Rating: A

Awarded Third World Academy of Science (TWAS) Medal - 2013

ISE Electrochemistry Excellence Award: Teaching & Research – 2013

Elected fellow of the African Academy of Sciences - 2013

South African Chemical Institute (SACI) Gold Medal award – 2012

Included in the National Center for Research on Human Evolution (CENIEH), located in Burgos, Spain to be one of their "13 NAMES TO CHANGE THE WORLD” – 2012

Named by IT News Africa as one of the top 10 most influential women in science and technology in Africa.

Awarded the Distinguished professorship at Rhodes University 2012

RSC (Royal Society in Chemistry)/ PACN (Pan African Chemistry Network) Distinguished Women in Chemistry: 2011

Invited by Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO, to be a member of the UNESCO High-level panel on Science, Technology and Innovation for sustainable Development, June 2011

International Conference on Frontiers of Polymers and Advanced Materiel (ICFPAM) award in memory of the centenary of the first Nobel Prize in Chemistry awarded to a woman: Marie Curie. And also this is the year of Chemistry, 26th May 2011.

Inducted by Vodacom Lesotho into the Lesotho Hall of Fame, 2010

Awarded Doctor of Science Honoris Causa by Walter Sizulu University, 3rd May, 2010

Awarded Doctor of Science Honoris Causa by University of South Africa, 11th May, 2010

Elected Fellow of Third World Academy of Science -2009.

Awarded NRF President’s award as Champion for the transformation in research – 2009.

Awarded 2009/2010 CEO (Celebrating excellence in organizations) Most Influential Women in
Business and Government (MIW) – Education and Teaching Sector.

Received L’Oreal-UNESCO award for “Women in Science” as a Laureate representing Africa and the Arab States in 2009. Committee chaired by Prof A Zawail (Recipient of Nobel prize in Chemistry, 1999). Also in the committee C. de Duve, recipient of Nobel prize in Medicine, 1974).

September, 2009, a motion was passed in the National Assembly acknowledging her role in transformation of science in South Africa. Subsequently she addressed the Parliament Portfolio Committee on Science.

Recognized as one of the top three publishing scientists in South Africa for 2007.

Awarded City Press / Rapport Prestige Awards for Inspirational Women Achievers – 2008.

Awarded Research chair for Medicinal Chemistry and Nanotechnology by the Department of Science and Technology and the National Research Foundation, starting 2007.

Bestowed with the Order of Mapungubwe: Bronze by the State President Mbeki -2005.

Awarded a Grant-Holder medal for 2005 from CSIR for being the best NLC grant holder of the year 2005.

Chosen as Rhodes University Rhodes Women of the Year in the Senior Research category, 2006.

Winner of SABC2/Shorprite-Checkers Woman of the year 2004 in Science and Technology.

Runner-up- DST Women in Science, 2004 and 2008.

Selected by Department of Science and Technology to present the Frances Ames Lecture, 2004.

Vice-Chancellor’s Distinguished Senior Research award - 2003.

Elected Fellow of the Royal Society of South Africa (FRSSA).

Member of the Academy of Science of South Africa.

Fulbright Award, 1990. Visited the Radiation Laboratory, University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA.

Financial Mail little black book list for two years (2006, 2007, 2008, 2009) for top 100 influential people in South Africa.



Member of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) Strategic Review Committee – 2012

Appointed to United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Panel – 2011

Jury Member for the L'Oreal/UNESCO Regional Fellowships for Women in Science in Sub-Saharan Africa -2011

Member of Board of Directors: Friends of Pwani University (FoPU) (Kenya) from 2011

National Research Foundation Board member (2005 – 2011).

Board of the "Women in Science and Technology in Africa Network", an organization which is sponsored by the Rockefeller Foundation and UNESCO -1995-2000. Still continue mentoring women even though the funding ended.

Board of the DST-NRF Centre of Excellence in Catalysis (appointed 2005, but resigned end of 2005 due to load).

A member of Council: University of Lesotho -2005 -2008.

Judge: Shoprite/Checkers-SABC-2 Woman of the year-Science and Technology – 2006-2008.


Editor: African Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry.

South African Representative: Society of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines based in France.

Global Journal of Physical Chemistry – Editorial Board member

Journal of Spectroscopy& Dynamics – Editorial Board member

International Journal of Electrochemical Science – Editorial Board member

Advanced Materials Letters – Editorial Board member

Guest editor: Special Issue for International Journal of Photoenergy (2011) Special Issue on Photomedicine and Photo Nanosystems

Guest Editor: International Journal of Electrochemistry: Special Issue "Surface Electrochemistry: Structured Electrode, Synthesis, and Characterization

Evaluation of French projects : Agence Nationale de la Recherche

Evaluation of Belgian projects : Research Foundation Flanders

Evaluation of Czech Republic research foundation projects



Mentoring: Dr Ceril Jones, of Savannah State University,
Project Title: Thermodynamic Characterization of Phthalocyanines for Photodynamic Therapy.
National Institute of Health (NIH) funding. 



Invited to assist in the selection of the Associate Professor of Chemistry, University of Venda, Feb., 1997.

A member of the Water Research Commission Steering Committee reviewing the University of the Western Cape Project on Desalination and Disinfection of Water, 1998-2001

A member of the Foundation for Research Development (FRD) panel for monitoring FRD/Industry programs at  Port Elizabeth Technikon, 1998.

A member of the advisory board: International Conference and exhibition on Integrated Environmental Management in South Africa, held Feb. 1998. This conference was a joint effort between Germany and South Africa.

A member of the Advisory Board: Southern and Eastern Africa Network of Analytical Chemists (SEANAC) conference. Gaborone, Botswana, 7 – 10 July, 2003 and 15-18th July, 2007.

A member of the South SOUTH AFRICAN REFERENCE GROUP ON WOMEN IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, a group under the Department of Science and Technology –2003.

Appointed by the Minister of Science and Technology to be a member of the panel to select members of council for the South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions (April, 2004).

A member of the advisory Board for the XVIII International Symposium on Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics (19-24 June, 2005, Coimbra, Portugal.

A member of the advisory Board: The World Association of Laser Therapy 2008 Conference, 19 - 22 October 2008, Sun City, South Africa.

Invited to review candidates for 2010 Reaxys PhD Prize- Post-doctoral fellows from UK, Belgium, Spain, France and the UK.

Advisory board of South African Chemical Institute (SACI) 2011 CONVENTION, 16– 21 January 2011, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.






Last Modified: Fri, 30 Jul 2021 14:49:18 SAST