

Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit (NALSU): Ayanda Kota (1976-2024), the world is poorer with your passing


Ayanda Kota (1976-2024)
Ayanda Kota (1976-2024)

Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit (NALSU): Ayanda Kota (1976-2024), the world is poorer with your passing

22 February 2024

Ayanda Kota passed away this morning, Thursday 22 February. A voice of conscience, a servant-leader in many movements, a stalwart of the battles of the working-class and poor, a man who stood for what is right, he was best known for his work in the Unemployed Peoples Movement (UPM), which fought for township residents. He was involved in far more than can be listed here.

The Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit (NALSU) at Rhodes University is honoured to have worked with Ayanda. He was a NALSU Affiliate, and worked with us in workers and popular education projects. He was pursuing his Masters degree with NALSU after being admitted to Rhodes University as an "ad eundem gradum" candidate. Like many black working-class people of his generation and background, much of his schooling took place under the apartheid regime.

Matriculating in 1997, he was locked like so many into the cycle of low-wage jobs and unemployment. He did not enter the government, and secure a lavish position, but stayed the course with suffering humanity, living in humble circumstances. Tireless and generous, he had been a shop-steward,  and was a founder member of the Assembly of the Unemployed, the Makhanda Citizens Front, and Zabalaza for Socialism. 

A keen soccer player and a loving father, open-minded and thoughtful, he was just 48 years old.  His last birthday was just over a week ago, as he lay deeply ill in hospital. Makhana will not be the same without him.  We extend our condolences to Babalwa, his children, and his family and loved ones. Go well, Ayanda.