
Rhodes>JMS>Staff>Kealeboga Aiseng

Dr Kealeboga Aiseng

Senior Lecturer, NRF Rated Researcher, Hons Coordinator, Deputy Head of School
046 603 7114

BAPVA (Wits), MA (Wits), PhD (Wits)


Room 110 Africa Media Matrix

Upper Prince Alfred Street


Postal Address

School of Journalism and Media Studies

Rhodes University

PO Box 94

Makhanda 6140


JMS1: Introduction to Popular Culture

JMS2: Media Sociology and Institutions

Honours and PGDip: Research Methodology


Professional Involvement

Dr. Aiseng is active as a reviewer for numerous local and international
journals and book publishers. Dr. Aiseng acts as an external examiner and

moderator for other universities. He also is also a review editor for Frontiers
in Communication.


Research Areas

Popular Culture


African Cinema

Film Studies

Media Sociology

Indigenous Language Media


Research Publications

? Aiseng, K. The Sociolinguistics of South African Television: Language Ideologies in Selected
Case Studies. Cham. Palgrave Macmillan.



? Aiseng, K. Fadipe, I. and Mpofu, P. Political Economy of Contemporary African Popular
Culture: The Political Interplay. Lanham. Lexington Books.
? Aiseng, K. and Fadipe, I. Public Health Communication Challenges to Minority and
Indigenous Communities. IGI Global.



? Aiseng, K. (2024). Black Twitter and digital counterpublics. Studies in Media and
Communication. 12(2): 302-320.
? Aiseng, K. (2024). Challenge and opportunities of Facebook during bereavement:
Experiences from Taung in South Africa. Frontiers in Communication. 9(2024): 1-11. 
? Aiseng, K. and Gamede, S. (2023). Analysis of South African media coverage of the 2022
KZN Floods. Proceedings of The International Conference on Media Science and Digital
Communication. 2(1): 28-43. 
? Aiseng, K. (2022). Language, music, self-representation and claiming the space: Artists from
Limpopo province in South Africa. Imbizo. 13(2): 1-25.
? Aiseng, K. (2022). Linguistic dominance and translanguaging: Language issues in
Generations: The Legacy. Frontiers in Communication: Culture and Communication.
7(2022): 1-10.
? Aiseng, K. (2022). The emergence of isiZulu in Skeem Saam (2011): Sociolinguistics factors
and the politics of the ‘loss of ethnolinguistic pluralism’ at the SABC 1. Social Identities.
28(4), 479-496.
? Akpojivi, U. and Aiseng, K. (2022). Framing of political leaders during the
#BringBackOurGirls campaign by the Nigerian Press: A comparative study of Guardian and
Vanguard Newspapers. Frontiers in Communication. 7, 1-10.
? Aiseng, K. and Akpojivi, U. (2019). Online Media and Elite Accountability in Africa: The
Case of Sahara and the amaBhunane. Communicatio. 4 (2), 1-17.

? Aiseng, K. and Akpojivi, U. (2019). Anthropological Vs. Oriental Representation: Issues with
National Geographic Channel. Visual Anthropology. 32 (5), 445-459.



? Mamase, Z. & Aiseng, K. (2024). Public health communication and language policy at
Rhodes University during the COVID-19 Pandemic. In Public Health Communication
Challenges to Minority and Indigenous Communities. Edited by Kealeboga Aiseng & Israel,
A. Fadipe. IGI Global, pp: 130-142.
? Aiseng, K. (2024). Decolonizing Journalism Education in South Africa. In Media in Africa:
Theory, Critique, and Industry. Edited by Toks Oyedemi and Rene Smith. Routledge, pp: 71-
? Aiseng, K. (2024). The Economic Freedom Fighters and politics of populism: enhancing
political participation, or a threat to democracy. In Democratization of Africa and its Impact
on the Global Economy. Edited by Ndwakhulu Tshitshonga and Icabord Tshabangu. IGI
? Aiseng, K. (2023). Language revitalization and community broadcasting in South Africa, a
case of Vaalter FM. In 100 Years of Radio in South Africa: Reflections from Academics and
Practitioners. Edited by Gilbert Motsaathebe and Sisanda Nkoala. Palgrave Macmillan, pp:
? Aiseng, K. (2023). Challenges and opportunities of preserving Indigenous knowledge using
digital technologies: The case of bogwera. In Digital Preservation and Documentation of
Global Indigenous Knowledge Systems. Edited by Tlou Masenya. IGI Global, pp: 123-141. 
? Aiseng, K. (2023). Gender and culture shock at university: Perspectives of first-year male
students from a public university in South Africa. In Coping Mechanisms for First Year-
Students Transitioning to Higher Education. Edited by Peter Aloka and Kananga Mukana.
IGI Global, pp: 84-103. 



? Aiseng, K. (2024). Unveiling linguistic ideologies in South African Twitter (X) Discourse: A
Corpus-Assisted Discourse Study. Paper Presentation at the International Association for
Minority Language Media Research Conference, 9-11 th July 2024, North West University,
South Africa.
? Aiseng, K. (2024). Ethnic Stereotypes in South African Black Twitter: Critical Discourse of
Selected Tweets. Paper Presentation at the International Communication Association
Conference, 20-24 th June 2024, Gold Coast, Australia.
? Aiseng, K. (2023). “The Queen is Dead”: Black Twitter’s Global Response to Queen
Elizabeth’s Death. Paper Presentation at the International Communication Association in
Africa Conference, 16-18 November 2023, University of Cape Town, South Africa.
? Fafowora, B.L. and Aiseng, K. (2023). Gender-Bending and Cross-Dressing: Analysis of
Self-Representation and Gender Performativity in the Nigerian Entertainment Industry. Paper
Presentation at the Trends in Media and Communication Conference, 1-3 November 2023,
University of Ghana, Ghana.
? Aiseng, K. and Masuku, M.L. (2023). Epistemological Challenges and Opportunities in
Decolonizing AI in Media and Communication Education: A Literature Review. Paper

Presentation at the South African Communication Association Conference, 27-29 September
2023, AFDA, South Africa.
? Aiseng, K. (2023). Political Economy of Languages in South African Higher Education:
Implications for Decolonization. Paper Presentation at the International Conference on
Language, Multilingualism and Decolonization Practices in Higher Education, 12-14th July
2023. The University of Free State, South Africa.
? Aiseng, K. and Gamede, S. (2022). Media in Times of Crisis: The Media Coverage of the
2022 KZN Floods in South Africa. Paper Presentation at The 2nd International Conference on
Media Science and Digital Communication 2022, 03rd - 4th December 2022. Virtual
? Aiseng K. (2022). Claiming the Space: The Role of Black Twitter in Changing Attitudes
about Township Spaces. Paper presentation at Township Studies Hybrid Conference,
Conference, 10th -11th November 2022, University of Johannesburg, South Africa.
? Aiseng, K. (2022). Language Matters: Frantz Fanon and Postcolonialism in Post-Apartheid
Journalism. Paper presentation at Decolonial Approaches to Journalism Colloquium.
Colloquium, 19 October – 21 October 2022, Rhodes University, South Africa.
? Aiseng, K. (2022). Language Revitalization: A Story of Indigenous Language Broadcasting
in South Africa. Paper presentation at ‘100 Years of Radio in South Africa: Learning from the
Past, reflecting on the Present and Looking Ahead to the Future’. Hybrid Symposium, 14 June
- 15, 2022, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa.