

Arthur Mukenge

Professor Arthur Mukenge


 Arthur Mukenge profile pic

Prior to taking up the position at Rhodes University, Arthur worked at CALS, The Centre for African Literary Studies as a researcher (UKZN) and taught French Language at St Charles College and French & Francophone Literature at the University of KwaZulu-Natal in Pietermaritzburg Campus. A well-travelled academic, Arthur has written numerous articles and given papers on wide-ranging issues in many prestigious universities where French is concerned.

Research interest

  • French and Francophone Literature
  • French Language
  • French Play
  • French Language in education
  • Translation and interpretation 

He is part of academic bodies such as ALA, AFSSA, and FIPF

Selected Publications

Books/ Monographs

Arthur Mukenge and Emmanuel Naancin Dami. 2022. William Sassine et l’humanisme, ISBN : 978-2-14-
029622-2, L’Harmattan, France. 158 pages.

Mukenge, AN. 2016. Ngemena Lomami Tchibamba : l’engagement Narratif. L’Harmattan : Paris.

Mukenge, AN. 2015. Les deux faces de la colonisation. Saarbrücken : Munich. 


Arthur Mukenge and Emmanuel Naancin Dami. (Forthcoming) ‘A reflection on French Language Teaching and the place of Evaluation in a previously disadvantaged multicultural setting: a case study of Rhodes University, South Africa’ in Journal of African Language and Culture Studies, Beijing, China.

Mukenge, AN. 2022 L’ombre des tshitanshi : une figure de la monstruosité dans la Malédiction in Cahiers du GRELCEF 2022. PP88-110.

Mukenge, AN. 2017. La littérature francophone de l’archipel des Comores ». Classiques Garnier, Series 1 ; Col : 272. Paris : France. 

Mukenge, AN. 2016. « Pays sans chapeau de Dany Laferrière : une autobiographie, une  autofiction ou au-delà ? ». Literator; Vol 37, No 1 (2016),doi: 0.4102/lit.v37i1.1290.

Mukenge, AN. 2015. « The teaching of African Literature in universities: for what Reasons? » in Journal of the African Literature Association (JALA). New York. ISBN: 978-2-296-96361-0. pp 73-85.  

Mukenge, AN. 2015. « La plongée dans le fossé du social à la rescousse d’un peuple à la  dérive » in Présence Africaine (Ed.). France. ISBN : 978-2-7087-0886-0. pp 125-140.  

Mukenge, AN. 2014. « L’exil entre réalité et fiction » in Abdoulaye Imourou La littérature africaine francophone : Mesures et présence au monde (Ed.). France. ISBN : 978-2-36441-093-0. pp 215-225.     

Mukenge, AN. 2014. « Les Nyam Nyam ». in Dictionnaire des créatures des créatures mythiques légendaires et improbables des voyageurs. France. ISBN: 978- 1-86888-677-7. pp 450-456.

Teaching and Supervision

  • French Language
  • French Literature & Play
  • Francophone Literature
  • French for Tourism 
  • French Culture
  • Translation
  • Habilitation in French for DELF / DALF  

He has examined and supervised Masters and PhDs in French Studies and Francophone Literature for various universities.

Prof Arthur Mukenge is an external examiner for the University of the Western Cape and Nelson Mandela University. In May 2022, he went to the University Alassane Ouattara (UAO) in Côte d’Ivoire as a panellist during the Oral Defence of Mr Diakra Bogui’s thesis entitled “La littérature francophone et la question de l’ethnie en Afrique. Une étude critique des romans Africans de la guerre”. He examined two PhDs from University Alassane Ouattara and is again on the panellist for the Oral Defence 2023. 

Personal interest

In his free time (if he gets it) he likes travelling, meeting diverse groups of people, going to Church and listening to Gospel music.

Last Modified: Wed, 12 Jun 2024 14:59:52 SAST