

La Journée française du 27 septembre 2024 : A Vibrant Celebration of French Culture

A Vibrant Celebration of French Culture
A Vibrant Celebration of French Culture

La Journée française du 27 septembre 2024 : A Vibrant Celebration of French Culture


On September 27th, the French department hosted its annual event, “La Journée Française,” (French day) celebrating French culture through food, music, dance, and poetry. The event was vibrant and engaging, with Lesedi serving as the enthusiastic MC. Madame Cordell kicked off the festivities with an introduction about the department’s history and development. This was followed by testimonies from past and present students, who shared how studying French has positively impacted their careers and lives. Ms. Botha emphasised the quote by Goethe: “He who knows no foreign languages knows nothing of his own.” The essence of this statement is that mastering more than two languages enriches our understanding and helps us navigate the world more effectively. After the testimony, a mini quiz about Francophone countries had attendees guessing which flags belonged to each nation, providing an entertaining and interactive experience. Lesedi then introduced performances by the French 1 students, who predominantly showcased singing and dancing.

The highlight was a lively rendition of the famous song “Lundi Matin,” (Monday morning) which received enthusiastic applause.
Following a brief intermission where everyone enjoyed delicious French cuisine and champagne, the French 2 students took the stage. The audience was captivated by the dramatic recitations of the poems, with the first group performing “Ma Bohème” and the
second group presenting “Le Dormeur du Val”. The French 3 students concluded the performances with a rendition of “La Mer”, by Charles Trenet encouraging audience participation, which made for a lively atmosphere.

Finally, a French honours student delivered a powerful rendition of the poem “Prière aux masques” by Senghor. The explores themes of cultural identity and the significance of masks in African heritage, It also highlighted the Francophone aspects of French culture, leaving a lasting impression. The event concluded with a speech from Prof. Mukenge, who expressed his gratitude to everyone for attending. He praised both the audience and the performers, stating, “Without you, there is no French department.” Overall, the event was a resounding success, offering students from various departments a wonderful glimpse into French culture.

By Urielle Kayumba


La Journée fran?aise du 27 septembre 2024 : A Vibrant Celebration of French Culture    La Journée fran?aise du 27 septembre 2024 : A Vibrant Celebration of French Culture

Celebration of French Culture at Rhodes university  School of Languages