

Third Year Level

There are two third-year level courses in Environmental Science. ENV 301 is normally taught in the first semester and ENV 302 in the second semester. Credit may be obtained in each course separately and, in addition, an aggregate mark of at least 50% will be deemed to be equivalent to a two-credit course ENV 3, provided that a candidate obtains the required sub-minimum in each component. No supplementary examinations will be offered for either course. Practical reports,essays, seminars and class tests collectively comprise the class mark, which forms part of the final mark. Students will be required to plan, execute and write up a mini-research project starting in the first term and spanning the whole academic year. 

Credit in Environmental Science 2 (ENV 202 and ENV 202) is required before a student may register for ENV 301 or ENV 302.Concurrent registration is not allowed for second-year and third-year courses in Environmental Science. In addition, candidates must have satisfied the prerequisites for ENV 201 and ENV 202.

ENV 301 (Environmental management concepts and methods)

This course consists of theory and practical components.  The course focuses on environmental management in practice.  The aim is to develop applied professional skills, coupled with rigorous analysis, to promote effective environmental management.  The emphasis is on methodologies and conceptual frameworks to evaluate, understand and study environmental and resource use patterns. Critical analysis and consideration of counter-viewpoints are central.  This will be done at the global, regional and national level, whilst also drawing on local case studies.  

ENV 302 (Environmental monitoring and monitoring systems)

This course builds on the foundations of the second year course in terms of systems thinking, transdisciplinarity and the scientific analysis of environmental problems.  The focus is on the design and implementation of environmental monitoring systems appropriate at different spatial and temporal scales integrating across the biological, social and economic components of an environmental system.  Examples will include industrial, terrestrial and aquatic systems. A key component deals with collection and analysis of environmental data, which is the core of any environmental monitoring system.  

Last Modified: Thu, 08 Jun 2017 14:20:32 SAST