


Plagiarism is defined as:“Taking and using the ideas, writings, works or inventions of another as if they were one’s own” (Senate, 2002). In simple terms, plagiarism is academic theft .

Rhodes University regards plagiarism in a very serious light and penalties may be as severe as the withdrawal of a DP in a course (permission to write the final exam is refused) or rustication (exclusion from the University).

The University has adopted a “Common Faculty Policy on Plagiarism” (Senate document 2003).
The Department of Economics, together with other Departments in the Faculty of Commerce, fully supports this process and to this end have developed a set of common “Guidelines for referencing”.

Academic writing in the form of essays, assignments, reports, projects, theses or journal articles, etc., typically use and build upon the writing, information, ideas and research of others. Such use is acceptable provided that the sources used are clearly acknowledged.

“You will be guilty of plagiarism if for example” any work (exercise, practical, project, essay, report, etc) which is purported to be your own (has your name on it) “which, either in part or as a whole,

  • is copied from an essay or practical report written by another student;
  • is copied from a document downloaded from a website;
  • is copied from a published article or book chapter;
  • has been written for you by someone else” (Psychology Dept Handbook, 2000).

The Department of Economics is committed:

  • to provide information and guidance on how and why to properly

acknowledge sources;

  • to provide training and feedback on the method recommended by the Faculty of Commerce for the acknowledgment and to follow up alleged offences; and
  • to report significant incidents to the University Investigation Officer.



University Plagiarism Policy

SA Copyright Law

Last Modified: Thu, 25 May 2017 16:42:13 SAST