
Rhodes>Computer Science>中国足彩网>Postgraduate>Honours>Distributed and Parallel Processing

Distributed and Parallel Processing (Prof George Wells)

To present students with an overview of distributed computing, parallel programming, and the relationship between them. Practical sessions cover the full range of parallel and distributed processing, and use the Java programming  language.

Topics covered include:

  • Background, terminology and theoretical foundations
  • Hardware issues and system architectures
  • Parallel algorithm patterns
  • Parallel processing
  • Communication and synchronization
  • Threads, interprocess communication, CSP, etc.
  • Distributed processing
  • Remote procedure/method calls, virtual shared memory, Message Oriented Middleware, grid computing, etc. Formal specification
  • The CSP meta-language, specifying parallel systems, proving safety, etc.

Prerequisites: Object-oriented programming in Java (or a similar language, such as C#).

Last Modified: Wed, 26 Jul 2023 15:13:03 SAST