


Museum of Contemporary Art Leipzig 

June 2 – September 24, 2017 

Zambian artist and MFA candidate at Rhodes University, Stary Mwaba, participated in the Chinafrika exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Leipzig. Mwaba exhibited his installation Chinese Cabbage, which was first shown as part of his solo exhibition “Life on Mars” at the KfW Stiftung in Germany in 2015.

The project Chinafrikatraces the cultural relationships between China and Africa and concentrates on the Copperbelt in northern Zambia, the south-eastern Democratic Republic of Congo and the megacities Lagos (Nigeria), Johannesburg (South Africa) and Addis Ababa (Ethiopia). In also engages with the Pearl River Delta with its African trade centres in Hong Kong, Guangzhou and the free-trade zone in Shenzhen.

Chinafrika. under construction includes work by the following artists: Ayo Akinwande, Opeyemi Balogun, Sammy Baloji, Dounia Cherfaoui, Bodil Furu, Allyn Gaestel, Benedicte Kurzen, Dan Halter, Gerda Heck, Christian Hanussek, Louis Henderson, Sam Hopkins, David Lalé, Eric van Hove, Huang Xiaopeng, Taiye Idahor, Daniel Sixte Kakinda, Daniel Kötter, Mansour Ciss Kanakassy, Christian Hanussek, Baruch Gottlieb, Li Jinghu, Li Xiaofei, Lu Shan, Luo Xiye, Michael MacGarry, Denise Maheho, Map Office, Elke Marhöfer, Mikhail Lylov, Eddy Mayaya, Stary Mwaba, Nobukho Nqaba, Folakunle Oshun, Henrik Spohler, Mladen Stilinovic?, Moffat Takadiwa, Song Ting, Adam Smith, Wang Qihan, Paolo Woods, Joseph Wright of Derby, Yu-Shen Su, Payne Zhou and Sofiane Zouggar. 

Photographs courtesy of Stary Mwaba

Last Modified: Thu, 21 Sep 2017 12:44:16 SAST