


In 2017 Makandula has been invited to take part in several group exhibitions locally in South Africa and internationally in New York. The first group show for the year that Makandula took part in was titled “Contemporary African Spirituality”, curated by Annette Oton at Calabar Gallery, Harlem, New York, from 26 January to 28 April 2017. Subsequently he was included in the 1:54 Contemporary African Art Fair, which travels to different cities, and he was part of the New York edition represented by ROOM Gallery & Projects, Johannesburg. The works included in the art fair constituted works from his solo exhibition “Ubuzwe”, showcasing the video, Isigidimi, and photographic print series titled, Dictator and Mhlahleli 3. From the Dictator series being spotted during the 1:54 Contemporary African Art Fair, Makandula was asked to take part in a exhibition titled “My Collection: A Benefit Auction and Exhibition” at the Museum of Contemporary African Diasporan Arts (MoCADA), New York, from May 12, 2017 to June 4, 2017.

In February he was selected as one of the eight Bright Young Things competition finalists, and he exhibited an installation titled The Spear of a Nation with suspended Sjamboks and cast faces exhibited as part of “Bright Young Things: No Fairy Tale”, curated by Salimata Diop at Art Africa Fair, Waterfront Cape Town, from 24 February to 05 March 2017. Also as part of Art Africa Fair he was featured in a curated group show titled “AFlagrant Arcade: Contemporary Art”, curated by Ruru Ruzy Rusike in dialogue with Thembinkosi Goniwe. Makandula was also featured in a group exhibition at Michaelis Galleries titled “Looking After Freedom”, where he showed the video, Isigidimi; the exhibition was curated by Nkule Mabaso and Rael Jero Salley. 

1:54, Contemporary Art Fair, New York (5–7 May 2017) works on display Isigidimi, 2016, HD video projection, and Ubuzwe III, inkjet print on Giclee archival paper. 

Sikhumbuzo Makandula, 2016, Dictator VI, inkjet print on Giclee archival paper exhibited at “My Collection: A Benefit Auction and Exhibition” at the Museum of Contemporary African Diasporan Arts (MoCADA), New York, May 12, 2017 – June 4, 2017. Photo: Maria Fidel Regueros

Sikhumbuzo Makandula, Izilo IV, inkjet print on Epson archival paper, exhibited as part of “Contemporary African Spirituality”, curated by Annette Oton at Calabar Gallery, Harlem, New York, 26 January – 28 April 2017. 

Video Projection of Isigidimi photo: Carlos Marzia

Looking After Freedom


Nkule Mabaso, Rael Jero Salley 


Buhle Mbambo, Dineo Seshee Bopape, Gabrielle Goliath, Kemang Wa Lehulere, Kitso Lynn Lelliott, MadeYouLook, Mawande Ka Zenzile, Sharlene Khan, Sikhumbuzo Makhandula, Sugar-Free///Pungwe, Thembinkosi Goniwe

Michaelis Galleries
23 May – 16 June, Cape Town, 2017

The Spear of a Nation, installation 2017, suspended Sjamboks and cast faces exhibited as part of “Bright Young Things: No Fairy Tale”, curated by Salimata Diop at Art Africa Fair, Waterfront Cape Town, 24 February – 05 March 2017.


Curatorial statement by Salimata Diop, No Fairy Tale, during the exhibition of Bright Young Things.  

Sikhumbuzo Makandula, Untitled, 2016, inkjet print on Giclee archival paper, exhibited as part of “AFlagrant Arcade: Contemporary Art”, curated by Ruru Ruzy Rusike in dialogue with Thembinkosi Goniwe at Art Africa Fair, Waterfront, Cape Town, 24 February – 05 March 2017.

Last Modified: Thu, 21 Sep 2017 11:48:45 SAST